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7 Reasons Why Your Firm Can't InnovateI was meeting with a group that is interested in fostering innovation in the state where I live and we were talking about the reasons why organizations don’t innovate. We talked about the lack of strategy and cultural barriers and a number of other reasons. There are hosts of very smart people writing books and research papers on this very topic, but it struck me that I should be able to communicate the reasons firms don’t innovate in a way that a fifth grader can understand, since some of the folks we work with..never mind.

At any rate, I created my alliterative list of reasons why firms don’t innovate, and if I get the time I’ll explore them in more detail over the next week or so. I encourage you to add your own reasons in the comments – alliterative or not, they are welcome as we begin to first name the reasons, and hopefully eventually debunk the reasons why firms won’t or can’t innovate. Herewith, Dr. Seuss meets Clayton Christensen.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Blogging Innovation » 7 Reasons Why Your Firm Can’t Innovate

Author: Blogging Innovation