Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

(Wilmington, DE) Delaware Governor Jack Markell joined Former House Majority Leader Dick Gephardt at Delaware Technical and Community College in a call to promote medical innovation as a means of creating jobs and finding cures. Research prepared by The Battelle Technology Partnership Practice for the Council for American Medical Innovation (CAMI) shows that the U.S. is losing ground as a leader in medical innovation, an area that generates high-quality jobs and if properly fostered, could generate more.

“It is critical to our national and economic interest that we own medical innovation in the future as thoroughly as we owned mechanical innovation in the past. We need continued leadership in promoting critical bio-medical industries in order to secure the jobs of the future. We’re talking about unleashing the American spirit of enterprise and our entrepreneurial energy to tackle not just the next great economic opportunity but the next great medical discovery,” said Governor Markell. “Delaware has a well-earned reputation as a cradle of innovation.”

To read the full, original article click on this link: Delaware Way: The Council for American Medical Innovation Joins Delaware's Public/Private Leadership In Support Of Building Jobs Through Medical Innovation
