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China hopes to develop six major categories of talent — including high-tech researchersBEIJING] Elite science 'studios', the dispersal of graduates into rural areas, and awards for overseas scientists who return home form part of an aggressive plan to transform China into a hotbed of talent over the next decade.

The Medium and Long-term Talent Development Plan (2010–2020), the first ever national-level talent cultivation plan, was issued by the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the State Council earlier this month (6 June).

China hopes to develop six major categories of talent — including one for high-tech researchers — with the ultimate aim of transforming itself from a labour-rich country to a 'talent-intensive' one.

The plan includes a key goal of increasing the ratio of researchers from 25 per 10,000 in 2008 to 43 in 2020. By 2020, the ambition is to have 3.8 million researchers — and 40,000 high-level scientists leading innovation.

To read the full, original article click on this link: China unveils grand plans to grow top talent - SciDev.Net

Author: Yidong Gong