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Entrepreneurship LogoA new report examining the commercial activity resulting from academic research shows that a large number of scientists bypass university patent and licensing offices. The study, conducted by David Audretsch and Taylor Aldridge of Indiana University, also shows that those who bypass the tech transfer offices (TTO) are more likely to produce startup companies.

Thirty-percent of the scientists studied chose a "backdoor route" to commercialization, not assigning patents to their TTO. Those scientists were more likely to start new firms rather than license their research. They were also more likely to 'have their work cited in subsequent patent applications -- suggesting that "those innovations with a potentially greater value are less likely to be commercialized through the technology transfer office."'

To read the full, original article click on this link: Policy Dialogue on Entrepreneurship | Tech Transfer Offices Only "Tip of the Iceberg"

Author: Mark Marich