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altIt doesn’t matter if you read it old school style (paperback), on your Kindle or iPad, listen to it, or maybe even watch and read with something like Vook. The funny thing, is of the over 150 innovators, authors and forward-thinkers I’ve interviewed on RISE since 2008, almost every one reads. Is it a coincidence that they are also super successful? The best books seem to do a few things really well:

1. Inspire thinking: A “Huh…..I never saw it that way” moment. Or a new way of looking of things.
2. Cause change: I can trace back certain books that caused a change in how I looked at things or influenced me to edit something in my business or life. I bet you can to.
3. Create hunger: A call to action. Something worth talking about and doing.

Obviously, there are many types of books out there. Personal memoirs with takeaways you can use. How-to books offering a step-by-step guide. Inspirational stories and many more.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Must-Read Badass Business Books For Entrepreneurs | The Rise To The Top

Author: Rise to the Top