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While it may be hip to say otherwise, your small business needs a Web site. The same way you can’t ignore your blog for social media, you can’t ignore your site in lieu of a Twitter account. You may spend your afternoons engaging with people on social sites, however it’s your site that users will turn to for trusted information about what you do, how you do it, and how they can get it. But before you go just throwing something together, remember they’re looking for trusted information.

The Web site you create can’t help you if it doesn’t appear trustworthy to users. And that means more than just creating a professional design (though that helps). It means taking time to lay the foundation from the very beginning.

Here are 11 reasons customers won’t trust your Web site. It’s the what NOT to do.

To read the full, original article click on this link: 11 Reasons Customers Don’t Trust Your Web Site | Small Business Trends

Author: Lisa Barone