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Founded by Rich Bendis

Marion Dewar,  responsible for innovation and research policy in the cabinet of Commissioner Maire Geoghegan-Quinn.One such idea is the European Innovation Partnership (EIP). This is conceived as a new approach to involving all member states in linking up the innovation chain to get products through to market faster. The EIP is being fleshed out as part of the Europe 2020 strategy, the Commission’s plan for innovation-led industrial growth and economic revival.

Detractors say the EIP, with its vision of partnerships between the EU and member states, plugging basic research directly to innovation to short-circuit the development of technologies, make breakthroughs and get the results into the marketplace, is little more than a new name for an old idea. The Commission begs to differ, insisting the political environment has changed and that such partnerships have the potential to unleash benefits for the economy and society.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Science|Business European Innovation Partnerships

Author: Anna Jenkinson