Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

212° Pocket Card Get the 212 card

At 211 degrees, water is hot.
At 212 degrees, it boils.

And with boiling water, comes steam.
And with steam, you can power a train.

Just one degree more can make all the difference.

Where can you turn up the heat?
  • 2 extra acts of kindness weekly plant 104 more seeds of generosity each year.
  • 15 extra minutes a day creates over 90 hours each year for what's most important to you.
  • 1 extra contact daily sparks 180 more personal connections every 6 months.
  • 1 extra risk each week leads to 52 more opportunities every year for excitement and possibility.
It's your life. You are responsible for your results.

Be Two-Twelve.

(get the book - watch the 3.5 minute video)