Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

altTHE PREMISE for this book is simple. How has a nation of just seven million people, only a little more than 60 years old, surrounded by enemies and with no natural resources, produced more start-up companies and produced more Nasdaq-quoted companies than Europe, Japan, China, India and Korea combined? What magic dust does Israel possess to foster this entrepreneurial spirit?

This book tries to answer that question, while also examining the potential threats to Israel’s future wellbeing. It has a lively opening with case studies of innovation from recent years including one about a young Israeli who has developed a car battery that could make electric vehicles financially viable.

Instead of plugging in the car for hours on end to charge up, you would simply pull in to a battery swap station and go through a machine resembling a car wash. Your battery is dropped out and replaced by a newly charged one.

To read the full, original article click on this link: How seven million people surrounded by enemies created innovation magic - The Irish Times - Mon, Jul 12, 2010