Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
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There’s a famous line about consultants that clients love to repeat, “consultants take your watch and then tell you the time.”

I suppose there’s some truth to that but of course it’s an over simplification. I used to work for Andersen Consulting (for > 8 years) – mostly building computer systems for large companies in the fixed telecoms, mobile and Internet sectors. On every project in which we worked it was clear that there was corporate knowledge built up around the organization. It occurred to me that it was my job to find the data, synthesize it, summarize my conclusions, provide options for better decision-making and lead the decision-making process. Such is leadership. And VC. And I learned the skills in my days as a consultant.

To read the full, original article click on this link: How a Tourist Can Help you with Your Startup | Both Sides of the Table

Author: Mark Suster