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Do Decision Makingyou think of yourself as a rational thinker? Take pride in your ability to draw logical conclusions from premises and data? Think people who use dietary supplements and male enhancement products are idiots? Yeah, me too, on all counts.

Well, guess what? It turns out that my decision-making ability isn’t as bullet proof as I once thought, and I’m willing to bet that yours isn’t either. And that’s a real problem because corporations and businesses count on their executives and managers to make timely and accurate decisions.

Unfortunately, many, if not most, of our decisions are based on inductive, not deductive reasoning. What’s the difference? Deductive reasoning is when the conclusion necessarily follows from the premises. For example, “Our company makes smartphones, and Apple sells great smartphones in our target market, therefore Apple is key competitor.” You can definitely base business decisions on that statement.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Think You're a Logical Decision-Maker? Think Again | The Corner Office | BNET

Author: Steve Tobak