Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

Article ImageNew technologies and a growing capacity for innovation are playing fundamental roles in the search for answers to the current economic situation. At the Wharton Global Alumni Forum in Madrid, three executives from Spain's high-tech sector and two entrepreneurs in Africa's growing technology sector took part in a panel session titled, "Technology and Innovation: Panaceas or Chimeras?" The session was moderated by Alberto Durán, founder and CEO of Rio de Janeiro-based Mundivox Communications.

To set the stage for discussion, Durán noted during the panel and in a later discussion that, while technology and innovation will help create the basis for societal growth, it is demographics that has "completely changed the economics of the way we live, and is creating both immense opportunities as well as immense challenges." As an example, he pointed to the 85 million plastic water bottles that are thrown away every day. "The pile of bottles in the middle of the Pacific is twice the size of Texas, yet we don't talk about that," he stated. "Political will is needed to address these issues. Today we can create amazing financial instruments to fund real estate, telecom and other industries. Why don't those instruments exist to fund new technologies for plastic? Someone has to come in and say, 'Look, we need to do this.' It is political will that will make this happen."

To read the full, original article click on this link: 'Being Cautious Is to Stop Moving': How Innovation and Entrepreneurship Can Bring Societal Change - Knowledge@Wharton

Author: Knowledge@Wharton