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toronto_july10.jpgWhile not the political capital of Canada, Toronto is certainly the cultural and financial capital of the country. With over 5 million residents, Toronto is the largest city in Canada, sitting in a densely populated part of Southern Ontario. With over 200 ethnic groups speaking over 130 languages, Toronto's cosmopolitan population makes it one of the world's most diverse cities. Toronto also boasts a clean environment, low crime rates, a high standard of living, and incredibly nice folks who live there, all helping make it one of the world's most livable cities and according to a recent Huffington Post article, "the capital of cool."

It's also by all accounts a thriving startup hub, with both strong investor presence - the National Angel Capital Organization and Extreme Venture Partners are headquartered there, for example - and with a lot of entrepreneurial talent and activities.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Never Mind the Valley: Here's Toronto

Author: Audrey Watters