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As more and more organizations use all things social to attract audiences the issues of “spread” becomes a focal point for reaching the right audience.

In statistics, statistical dispersion is variability or spread in a variable of probable distribution. Probable distribution is important to distribution of relevant content in context with your audience.

Dispersion is contrasted with location or central tendency, and together they are the most used properties of distributions. If your content is not being dispersed to locations where your audience is then you are wasting efforts to attract the wrong audience.

Social technology follows the concept of “spread” in that the technology “spreads” messaging to “network clusters” of people using certain networks to reach “clusters” of people who may have an affinity to other people or relevant content. The affinity is based on numerous factors calculated by the different “networks” using individual and business profile data to determine “cluster affinity”. You can see this in action with numerous “network applications” indicating whom or what you may “like” or want to “connect” to.
Most people think of gambling when they hear the word spread. Spread is used in gambling to determine the odds. Social media is much like gambling because if you understand the “odds” of the game you can improve your “game playing” strategy and the related tactics. The social game is about connecting with the right audience and to win you have to focus on the issues in the 5 X 6 Social Media Matrix model in order to understand relevant issues that effect the “spread” of your audience.

To read the full, original article click on this link: What's Your Social Spread? |

Author: Jay Deragon