Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

Some of my favorite sewing projects are spontaneous. The idea pops in my mind and I get started as soon as possible (disregarding any other responsibilities on my to-do list).

Thursday afternoon we spent 4 hours at the library. I'm not even sure what we did that whole time. I know the kids read books, played in the library "clubhouse", had a puppet show, and made friends with other kids who stopped by. And I enjoyed the free time to let my mind wander and brainstorm about ideas. When we finally got home, I was itching to sew.

I grabbed some colorful corduroy from my stash and a striped Tee from Old Navy (it's been sitting in my Refashion pile for months). And I just sewed.......a rather mismatched outfit but I really like it.

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