Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

It’s no secret it’s been a daunting period for entrepreneurs seeking venture capital. While the market is easing a bit, it will remain tough for the rest of the year and probably well beyond that. So what’s an entrepreneur to do?

Look for money inside corporations.

Odd as it might sound, the case for a startup/corporate collaboration is actually quite compelling. Startups are renowned for their creativity and efficient innovation models, but they often find it difficult to introduce their product or service to the market because they lack an established brand identity (and, thus, have minimal distribution and customer support infrastructures). On the other hand, corporations have recognized brands, established distribution channels and strong customer relationships. What they lack is a culture of innovation that can keep pace with chronically changing markets.

To read the full, original article click on this link: The most unlikely place to find startup funding | VentureBeat

Author: Robert R. Ackerman Jr.