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Team Creativity At Work I and II: Creative Problem Solving At Its BestTo identify the factors that hinder your creativity at work, rate the items below on a scale of 1 to 5, where ‘1’ means you never do this, and ‘5’ means you always do this.

____ I buffer myself from interruptions during creative thinking.

____ I exchange ideas with other people.

____ I avoid quick negative self-criticism of my own new ideas and proposals.

____ I avoid assuming boundaries that box my creativity.

____ I allocate enough time for incubation.

____ I state positive things about a new idea before I state the difficulties to be overcome.

____ I exhibit lots of spontaneity and humor.

____ I review and discuss how the climate and my habits in my work affect my creativity.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Creativity Self-Assessment - Assess Your Creativity Habits, Creative Thinking, Problem Areas

Author: Edward Glassman, PhD