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10 Tips to Give Your Email Marketing More Curb AppealEvery real estate agent knows the value “curb appeal” brings to showing and selling a home. That first impression the buyer gets when he/she steps out of the car and looks at the property you want to sell often determines whether the buyer wants to proceed – and how seriously he/she will take the rest of the tour.

The same is true for your e-mail marketing campaigns – no matter what business you are in. The placement of elements on the page, the font choice, even the colors you use all create an impression before your prospect reads a single word of text. So you want to be sure the impression you’re creating is a good one.

Still, you don’t have to be a professional artist or designer to create an e-mail marketing campaign with plenty of curb appeal. These easy-to-execute tips will help you create e-mails that draw prospects in, encourage them to open the e-mail and leave them with the impression you want to make – that your business is professional and potentially helpful to them.

To read the full, original article click on this link: 10 Tips to Give Your E-mail Marketing More Curb Appeal | Small Business News, Tips, Advice - Small Business Trends

Author: Wendy Lowe