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The Innovation Cities™ Index 2010 world city scores and cities rankings measuring cities economic and social potential for innovation launch this August. This is a news update.

Top city index and rankings.

The Innovation Cities™ Index by 2thinknow is a 3-factor city score and ranking. The approach is far more comprehensive than Mercer or Economist livability rankings. The Index scores and ranks cities on a more diverse basis.

Since 2007, 2thinknow has published the Innovation Cities™ Index. 2007 and 2008 were beta versions, with the methodology expanded to it’s current size and breadth in 2009. The 2010 index is based on the 2009 methodology, with 14% more cities.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Innovation Cities Index 2010 world city index, and city rankings launching soon | 2010 | Innovation Cities Program - Analyst Reports, Index Rankings, Benchmarking Data, Workshops