Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

The Office for Science and Technology (OST) of the Embassy of France (Boston section) organizes each year a full-day seminar called “French American Innovation Day” (FAID).

FAID is designed to emphasize a specific topic having a huge impact in terms of science, therapeutics and innovation.

In collaboration with the MLSC (Mass. Life Sciences Center), the 2010 FAID seminar will be addressing « Alzheimer ’s disease: Towards the Personalized Medicine ». It will be held the 6 of December at the Broad Institute.

Two prominent experts will lead this seminar:
Prof. John H. Growdon, Clinical Core Co-Leader and Founding Director at Massachusetts Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center & Director, Memory and Movement Disorders Units at Massachusetts General Hospital & Professor of Neurology at Harvard Medical School
Prof. Philippe Amouyel, CEO French National Foundation on AD, General Director of the Institut Pasteur de Lille and Professor of Epidemiology and Public Health at the University Hospital of Lille in France

For this purpose, the OST launches a call for sponsorship to organize the 2010 FAID seminar.

Sponsorship presents an opportunity for leading companies in this field to contact with hundreds of French and American experts in the unique bilateral seminar on AD in Boston of the year.

→ Find more information, In the 2010 FAID presentation :

PDF - 1.2 Mb
2010 FAID

→ And the sponsorship opportunities in the document below:

PDF - 229.8 kb
Sponsorship opportunities

For more information,
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., deputy attachée – Biotechnology and technology transfer

Previous editions
EAID2008 the E for European, renamed to put the emphasis on the French Presidency of the European Union

To read the full, original article click on this link: 2010 FAID : French American seminar on Alzheimer's disease - Consulat Général de France à Boston