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Cheap, plentiful biofuels could ameliorate a host of global problems: carbon emissions, trade imbalances, agricultural employment in the middle of the country and in emerging nations.

And there is no doubting the demand. The world consumes the equivalent of 1.06 cubic miles of oil globally a year, according to A Cubic Mile of Oil, the new book by Hew Crane, Ed Kinderman and Ripu Malhotra at SRI International. That’s close to 1.1 trillion gallons a year, or more than enough to fill 1,500 sports stadiums. Today, Kior, a company in the Khosla Ventures portfolio, announced it has received $75 million in loans from the state of Mississippi.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Will Biofuels Go Mainstream? : Greentech Media

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