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Since the legislation to help small businesses weather the storm in still stuck with the legislators, it’s good to know that on the state level there are some programs that aim to help small businesses.

In a recent article in (with the help of CB Insight, a New York firm that tracks private company funding trends), they compiled a list of 11 states that have grants, loans and equity capital to help small businesses – you just have to know where to look. Some of the programs have been operating for two decades now and have invested billions of dollars collectively.

Most of the programs are aimed at technology firms in an attempt to lure young entrepreneurs into their states and bring in more jobs to the area. But as you will find by looking at the list, the fields differ and vary from state to state.

To read the full, original article click on this link: States That Are Serious About Funding Small Businesses

Author: Renata Sternfeld-Allon