Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

Logo BE2010 The Contract for Economy and Employment (in 2005) and the Regional Plan for Innovation (in 2006) are at the root of the Brussels-Capital Region's ambitions in terms of research and technological innovation:

  • Strengthen scientific centres of excellence and stimulate activity in three leading edge economic sectors: information & communication technologies, life sciences and the environment.
  • Develop a platform for all research stakeholders: businesses, investors, organisations, researchers ... whether from Brussels, Belgium or abroad.
  • Encourage scientific study amongst young people in order to renew the pool of researchers in the future.

To achieve these multiple ambitions faster, the Brussels-Capital Region created Research in Brussels in 2008.

To read the full, original article click on this link: R&D active and on the move in Brussels! — Research In Brussels - RIB