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So I’m on my fifth straight day of watching startup competitions, and if you cut me a mixture coffee and RedBull would probably pour out of my veins. As soon as Disrupt ended, Endeavor’s International Selection Panel started in Pebble Beach and I drove down to check it out.

Endeavor is a nonprofit that finds and helps some of the best entrepreneurs in the emerging world. I’ve written about them a few times and attended selection panels in the mountains of Patagonia and the beaches of Rio. This one is a little less geographically thrilling  for me, as it’s just in Pebble Beach– a place people usually come to golf or look at cars. But for the entrepreneurs pitching, being a few hours from Silicon Valley is exhilarating. More than a few big name venture capitalists from firms like Benchmark and Redpoint are down here to check out the contenders.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Note to Startup Competitions: I Want to See How the Sausage Is Made

Author: Sarah Lacy