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Malcolm Gladwell speaks at PopTech! 2008 confe...What is it about innovators that leads them to make such extravagant claims for their ideas?”

No, I’m not asking the question. In an email response sent to me this morning, author/journalist Malcolm Gladwell asked it of me (albeit rhetorically).

I asked Gladwell about his feelings on the hail of criticism he’s received recently after his piece “Small Change: Why the Revolution Will Not be Tweeted” ran in the October 4th issue of The New Yorker. The story questioned the role of social networking in contemporary revolutionary activity and social movements; Gladwell’s opening paragraphs detail a sixties-era Woolworth’s lunchroom protest organized “without e-mail, texting, Facebook, or Twitter” by a group of black students who were refused service.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Malcolm Gladwell’s Response to Critics of His New Yorker Piece on Social Media - Velocity - Remaking Personal Technology - Forbes

Author: Mike Isaac