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New readers are stumbling upon your blog and joining your community every day. However, because of the nature of how blogs work, users who find your site today may never see all the great content you posted last week. They’re starting from today…which means they won’t benefit from all the information you’ve been working hard to write since you started your blog, because they don’t know it’s there. Creating a Sneeze Page for your blog can help them find it.

The term Sneeze Page was coined by Darren Rowse, aka Problogger, way back in 2007 and describes a page that is designed to “propel people in different directions deep within your blog,” introducing them to posts that you’ve previously written. Basically, it introduces new readers to some of your best content and encourages them to engage with your website. You can create Sneeze Pages based on a time period (The Best Posts of 2010), a theme (Top SMB Social Media Posts), a product (The Complete Guide to [Product Name]), an event (A History of BlogworldExpo), or anything else that you think may benefit readers.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Convert New Readers With a Sneeze Page

Author: Lisa Barone