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Born in West Branch in 1874, Hoover was elected in a landslide in 1928, only to see the U.S. economy begin to crumble just eight months after his inauguration. Contrary to popular belief, Hoover encouraged government activities in agriculture but stopped short of subsidies or production controls. He encouraged Congress to pass the Agricultural Marketing Act, which was aimed at helping farmers to increase efficiency in selling their goods and granting them loans without having to give federal subsidies. But the act and the Farm Board it created failed to overcome corn and livestock surpluses, and when the Great Depression spread to the cities after 1929, the resulting drop in demand plunged agriculture to an all-time low. Hoover failed to carry his native Iowa in his losing bid for re-election against Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1932.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Iowa's hardest years: Innovators in agriculture | | The Des Moines Register