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Many of us have the ability to change the trajectory of other people’s lives. Sometimes we don’t even realize it. This is a story of one person who had the power to change my life – and did so. It’s the story of persistence in entrepreneurs. And it’s the story of “paying it forward.”

The person who changed my life was Cory Van Wolvelaere, who passed away two years ago this week after a long battle with cancer.  I know his life touched many of us that worked with him – in ways he never knew.  In his 53 years he changed the trajectory of lives including mine.

We all have the ability to change the trajectory of the lives of others.  As a VC I’m acutely that a “yes” decision to support an entrepreneur can do just that, yet I only write 2-4 of them per year and maybe another 3-4 as an angel.  But I strive to impact the lives of many more through hours of coaching entrepreneurs, challenging people to be better, making human connections for people or providing timely advice.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Whose Life are You Going to Change? | Both Sides of the Table

Author: Mark Suster