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Finding good people for your start-up is tough when you don’t personally know many candidates, aren’t well connected or well known and don’t have a lot of money to pay a recruiter. But sometimes, a group effort can make the process easier.

During the past three years, our company’s employees have collectively reached out to friends, written job postings, interviewed, administered capability assessments, and wrote pre-screening tests (for developers) – and it has worked tremendously.

Six months ago, though, we found ourselves in need of 10 people in a myriad of positions. And the workload was so heavy that our old methods weren’t something we could rely upon. To avoid being flooded with applications (that would devour time to sift through), I needed to find a way to hack the recruiting process. I had to figure out how to write a job posting that both hit home with the right people and deterred others from applying.

To read the full, original article click on this link: 5 ways your start-up can get better hires | VentureBeat

Author: Bryan Johnson