In the past, all celebrities needed was a single talent to make them famous. Singers sang, actors acted, football players played football. How times have changed! To become a globally dominant celeb these days, you've got to step up your game. You've got to know when to Tweet (you forgot to thank your husband in your Grammy acceptance speech!) and when not to Tweet (you're really angry at Cher and you want her to know it!). To maintain your status as a trendsetter, you've got to have your ear to the ground on all the latest trends — and these days that means tech trends, which are no longer just for nerds. And, if you don't believe tech-savvy is cool, just check out why the following five celebs made our list.
1. Ashton Kutcher: Love him or hate him, you can't deny that among tech-savvy celebrities Kutcher reigns supreme. He was the first celebrity to court a million Twitter followers (he now has over 8.5 million). While on the set of Two and a Half Men, he lives in a 007-esque mega-trailer that requires a handprint signature to enter his boudoir, which is decked out with flat-screen television monitors and 24/7 video surveillance. A famous entrepreneur and supporter of tech-related startups, Kutcher ran into some trouble earlier this year when he guest-edited an issue of Details and it was revealed that he owned stock in many of the companies he was hawking — a rather egregious conflict of interest that he should have been more upfront about. Still, when you consider the number of tech brand names that Kutcher is (or has been) in some way affiliated — Twitter, Foursquare, Quik, GroupMe, Hipmunk, Chegg, Flipboard, Milk, TinyChat, Fab.com, Path, Airbnb, Optimizely, Blekko — you can see how he ran into trouble. That's why he's hands-down the most tech-savvy celeb out there.