MADISON – The entry deadline for the 15th annual Wisconsin Governor’s Business Plan Contest is 5 p.m. Jan. 31. Don’t miss an opportunity to share in about $150,000 in cash and inkind prizes. Get started at www.govsbizplancontest.com!
Here are 10 reasons you should enter your business idea:
1. It’s free. Other than the cost of your time, there is no cost to enter the contest.
2. You don’t have to be Tolstoy. The initial entry is only 250 words, spread among four criteria – product or service description, customer definition, market description and competition. That’s about 62 words per category.
3. You don’t even need a stamp. The contest is online at www.govsbizplancontest.com.
4. You can win valuable prizes. The contest will feature about $150,000 in cash and service prizes such as office space in premier technology parks and top-notch commercial offices. Other prizes include a variety of services, such as legal assistance, accounting, video production, marketing, prototyping, graphic design and more. For many contestants, these services will provide an important jumpstart in getting their businesses rolling.