Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

innovation DAILY

Here we highlight selected innovation related articles from around the world on a daily basis.  These articles related to innovation and funding for innovative companies, and best practices for innovation based economic development.

The use of big data, instruction through mobile devices, online learning (including MOOCs), and virtual and remote laboratories that emulate real ones are the technologies that will have the greatest impact on "STEM+" education over the next year. These are the findings of a group of global experts who weighed in on emerging technologies that will most influence education over the next five years. STEM+ covers the disciplines of science, technology, engineering, mathematics (STEM) as well as additional skills for applying knowledge of those subjects in the real world.

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Once in a blue moon, a brainstorming session produces an idea that is so blindingly good that people wonder not only “why aren’t we doing that already?” but even: “why isn’t everyone?” As someone who helps businesses conduct “war games” to inform their strategy-making, I suppose I see these moments more than most people; the whole point of these exercises is to devise new marketplace forays and anticipate competitive responses. But still, they are very rare.

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Writing a book is a long process involving lots of edits and multiple versions. In the old days of typewriters, you’d literally cut and paste sections of text where you wished them to go. While inefficient, the upside is that you had a physical collection of your deletions--the pieces that ended up on the cutting room floor.

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Joanna Coles, editor in chief of Cosmopolitan, takes time for analog tasks like reading the paper at her treadmill desk.

When I called Owen Thomas to talk about the productivity-boosting properties of a treadmill desk, he was, not surprisingly, walking the walk as he talked the talk. He was on his treadmill.

That’s because Thomas, editor-in-chief of tech news site ReadWrite, is several months into his practice of walking while working--usually about 10 miles a day when he’s not traveling. That’s not to say he’s treading the rubber belt for eight hours continuously. Thomas reports that his longest stretch of walking was three hours.


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A field of yet to be harvested sunflowers (Helianthus annuus) becomes a common sight across the farmlands of the Northern Hemisphere as the warm days of summer give way to the cool winds of autumn. Sunflowers are native to North America. Evidence indicates that the tribes of Central Mexico were growing wild sunflowers as early as 3000 BC. Some evidence even points to sunflowers having been domesticated by the native people of the Americas before corn.

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For the second time in a week, a rarely seen type of deep-sea creature was found along the coast of California.

The carcass of a 14-foot-long (4 meters) oarfish washed ashore in Oceanside, just north of San Diego, on Friday (Oct. 18), according to the The Los Angeles Times.


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You’ve got an awesome idea, a slick name in mind and the garage space to start your dream business -- but not the cash. I'm not surprised.

Financing a small business -- especially a startup -- is an uphill battle in a crowded field. In the U.S. alone, there are an estimated 27.5 million small businesses. And nearly 80 percent of them get their money through bank loans, credit cards and lines of credit.

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If you just build it, they probably won’t come.

In the era of Amazon, Yelp and Rotten Tomatoes, buyers are increasingly choosy when it comes to what they’ll spend their money on. To woo potential clients, brands have to offer something extraordinary. And then there’s the small issue of retaining those new customers.


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An economic revival is taking hold in the U.S. Although no one expects easy solutions to the huge problems that still face the country and its economy, an overarching optimism has come back into vogue when it comes to the nation’s long-range prospects. We believe three areas in particular—an energy revolution, significant labor-market shifts and massive technological innovation—are propelling that optimism.

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Biotechnology startups have stampeded to the public markets this year, but their colleagues in the medical device field have sat quietly on the sidelines.

So far this year, 27 venture-backed biopharmaceutical companies have gone public, compared to just one medical device company, according to industry tracker Dow Jones VentureSource.

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UR Ventures University of Rochester

University of Rochester officials have renamed their technology transfer office URVentures and announced a new plan to aggressively pursue the commercialization of technologies developed by its researchers and students.

The new name is “trying to make a clean break from the past,” said Scott Catlin, UR’s associate vice president for innovation and technology commercialization.

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Following last week’s comments on the Global Entrepreneurship Research Network, I offer a second and final post on matters arising from the government-convened entrepreneurship summit in Kuala Lumpur. The roundtable discussion among “startup policy” experts on October 12 signaled a new chapter in knowledge creation around how governments can better enable their startup communities.

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If reports are true that crowdfunding companies won’t be required to do income verification of investors, that could open up the door for abuse.

Under the JOBS Act, signed into law by President Obama last year, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is writing rules that would govern how companies can raise money online.

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The federal government is expanding its new start-up visa program for immigrant entrepreneurs even though it has yet to issue a single visa since the program launched six months ago.

Immigration Minister Chris Alexander announced Monday a new business incubator immigration stream to complement existing venture capital and angel investor streams.

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Developing is often a team sport. Some of the best ideas and apps come not from an individual, but from a collaboration of developers.

While it may seem easier to find tech teammates in major tech hubs, there are ways to meet up with developers in every city. As our latest Ask a Dev video explains, you don't have to live in Silicon Valley or New York City to network with other developers.

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