Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

innovation DAILY

Here we highlight selected innovation related articles from around the world on a daily basis.  These articles related to innovation and funding for innovative companies, and best practices for innovation based economic development.


The University of Nebraska (NU) Innovation Hub is seeking proposals that will help University of Nebraska students, faculty and staff launch transformative experiences that enhance teaching, learning, research, and the student experience via technology; Oct. 15.

The University of Nebraska (NU) Innovation Hub, a collaborative effort sponsored by NU ITS and the NU Office of Digital Education, aims to help NU students, faculty and staff launch transformative experiences that enhance teaching, learning, research, and the student experience via technology. Additionally, the Hub provides a vehicle by which members of the NU community can view the portfolio of pilots and innovative initiatives we are championing, as well as offering a streamlined process for additional partners to find out how to take part in a current project.


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Papercut head with jigsaw puzzle pieces inside men 8LY7JTP

The ongoing Covid-19 outbreak is indeed very stressful for people. Fear and anxiety about the disease is often overwhelming and can cause strong emotions. The primary cause of stress is associated with uncertainties about one’s own health and the health of the loved ones. This can often cause depression and anxiety among patients and frontline health care providers. Health workers are working under extreme psychological stress due to their additional workload, fear of getting infected, and periodic isolation from their families and friends.


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As you know, quantum computing is a type of computation that harnesses the collective properties of quantum states, such as superposition, interference, and entanglement, to perform calculations. To discuss the future of quantum computing there are some workshops and conferences taking place in 2021 that every person should attend.

Here are the top ten quantum computing workshops and conferences:


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Young man wearing glasses with professor in backgr 3Y3EQ9V

Early in his career, professor Maarten Steinbuch was invited to speak at a conference in Norway and told he would be paid for it. This presented him with a dilemma. He could give the money to his department – which felt a bit like adding a drop to the ocean – or keep it himself to spend how he saw fit. If he were to do that, however, Steinbuch felt he should also pay for his own expenses and attend the conference in his own time rather than that of his boss. He decided to resign his position for one day in the week and on that day earn his own money.


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Abstract network background ZLNCLFP

The BioHealth Capital Region Forum offered many insights into the state of the industry, but the most prevalent theme was certainly big data. Panelists and keynote speakers across multiple events spoke about the importance of data in the biohealth and life sciences industry and how artificial intelligence will help the sector innovate.

Keynote speaker Chris Monroe, co-founder and chief scientist at IonQ, discussed how biotech experts can use quantum mechanics and quantum computers to solve problems within the healthcare industry. Monroe is a faculty member at Duke University and the University of Maryland and studies how Q-bits and quantum computers can help optimize complex problems.


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College campus in the spring 27WVKP6  1

When people talk about higher education, they often limit their discussion to four-year institutions and traditional 18- to-22-year-old college students. But that focus ignores a large part of the story: the expansive and crucial role played by community colleges, especially in educating nontraditional students. To give some sense of their reach, there are more than 1,000 community colleges around the country, and together they enroll more than 40 percent of all undergraduates. Many of those students are ones who are often not as well served by four-year institutions, including adult learners, those from low-income families, single parents, first-generation students, and veterans.


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Car Cockpit

Self-driving supermarkets and autonomous electric taxis capable of slashing emissions in New York are some of the innovations driving the driverless revolution.

The issue of safety is the recurring question though, but thanks to new research it will now be possible for automated vehicles to tap into the way our brains work to predict when someone is likely to step out from the kerbside in busy traffic.

Image: Photo by Erik Mclean on Unsplash

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Two business young women working together on wall V5VFEKE

Innovation is a struggle for many corporations. As we struggle to emerge from the Covid-19 pandemic, McKinsey & Co. reports that only 21% of surveyed executives say they have the “expertise, resources and commitment” to achieve new growth in the next 12 months.

Traditionally, companies have relied on their corporate development teams to run their innovation mandate. This team examines potential candidates for merger and acquisition (M&A) deals to bring new businesses into the corporation. However, completing an M&A requires an immense amount of time and energy.


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In a lab.

(Photo courtesy of the University City Science Center)

As robotics and autonomy companies build Pittsburgh’s reputation as an essential tech hub, life sciences might soon be the next frontier of progress. It’s a time of growing excitement for the field in Pittsburgh. Cognition Therapeutics, a drug discovery company based in the South Side, announced plans earlier this summer for an initial public offering of $50 million, which officially launched this morning. And in June, a million dollar grant from the Richard King Mellon Foundation brought the formation of the Pittsburgh Life Sciences Alliance, which will likely see more news in the next few months.

Image: In a lab. (Photo courtesy of the University City Science Center)

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question mark

She’s a C-suite-level executive with 20 years of experience working in corporate finance. Earlier in her career, she stayed at companies for long periods of time. But in her last few roles, she’s been jumping ship as soon as the going gets tough. Is she leaving too quickly, or has she not yet found the right role?


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We could go there 4R5J9X6

Eighteen months into the Covid-19 pandemic, U.S. aviation has finally started to rebound — but the industry that has emerged is different than the industry that was essentially forced into a coma in the first months of the pandemic. A year after their first interview on the state of aviation, Harvard Business Review sat down to discuss the challenges (and opportunities) facing the industry with Jon Ostrower, the editor-in-chief of The Air Current, Courtney Miller, managing director of analysis for The Air Current, and Dan McKone and Alan Lewis, two Boston-based managing directors at L.E.K. Consulting who have experience advising major airlines.


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Man giving presentation

Most of you business leaders focus first on providing guidance to your team, but neglect self-leadership as an equally important dimension. In my experience, many entrepreneurs rely too much on the perspective of a trusted advisor, or try to emulate a competitor who is getting attention. Personal leadership is setting your own direction and making real decisions first.


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Notepad with crowdfunding concept in woman hands WJCZ84D

It’s been a little over five years since Title III of the JOBS Act went into effect, paving the way for every American to invest in private companies regardless of net worth. Since 2016, over $514 million has been raised, and I fully expect this pace to dramatically accelerate in 2021 due in part to the new SEC rules that went into effect on March 15.

The new SEC rules specifically allow for the following:


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YouTube Video Cover Image

Even when they are wrong, those who think differently add value to an organisation.

Does this situation sound familiar? You’re sitting in a meeting, and you and your colleagues are energetically discussing how to handle an important issue or challenge. Ideas and suggestions are bouncing around so fast that the designated note-taker can barely keep up. Then a new voice chimes in, belonging to an employee who never talks in such meetings. It’s as if one of the chairs in the conference room suddenly started speaking. The group falls silent and pays close attention, clearly expecting something special.


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In this Nov. 16, 2015 file photo, a worker walks through a section of the Mississippi Power Co. carbon capture plant in DeKalb, Miss.

Rogelio V. Solis | AP

President Joe Biden has pledged to cut America's greenhouse gas emissions in half by 2030. He intends to meet this ambitious target through a wave of new federal spending and government programs. Yet, our best hope for reducing carbon emissions isn't new government spending. It's a technological sea-change – one that can only come from the private sector.

Government is slowing progress against climate change by imposing regulations that prevent emissions-lowering technologies from reaching the market. If our leaders really want to save the planet, they need to get out of the way of entrepreneurs who can actually do so.

Image: In this Nov. 16, 2015 file photo, a worker walks through a section of the Mississippi Power Co. carbon capture plant in DeKalb, Miss. Rogelio V. Solis | AP

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Healthcare worker has online conference BVEPR9R

The digital health sector was growing rapidly. Then the pandemic came.

In this case, it was a story of growth.

Following distancing requirements and loosening regulations, telemedicine became the name of the game for many healthcare systems across the nation. It was an area where Baltimore startups could add value, whether it was the “digital front door” of b.well Connected Health or Tissue Analytics‘ work with healthcare institutions to remotely monitor woundcare patients.


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Tonix Logo

CHATHAM, N.J., Oct. 04, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Tonix Pharmaceuticals Holding Corp. (Nasdaq: TNXP) (Tonix or the Company), a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company, announced it has completed the acquisition of its new research and development center (RDC) located in Frederick, Md. The approximately 48,000 square foot facility will support Tonix’s expanding infectious disease pipeline, including:

  • TNX-1800 – a live virus vaccine designed to protect against COVID-19 
  • TNX-801 – a live virus vaccine designed to protect against smallpox and monkeypox 
  • TNX-3500 – a small molecule antiviral under development to treat COVID-19 
  • TNX-2100 – a peptide based skin test to measure functional T cell immunity to SARS-CoV-2

Tonix purchased the RDC from Southern Research, a collaborating partner on TNX-1800 and TNX-801 development.


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READING, U.K. - Verizon and Unloc have launched the highly anticipated Young Entrepreneurs Challenge 2021. Now in its fourth year, the challenge is open to European entrepreneurs aged between 16-25 years old, who submit their technology-led start-up business concept online. The winner will claim a £10,000 (€11,000) Grand Prize, mentorship and a technology package to launch their business. In addition, they will also receive a ticket to attend the Global One Young World 2022 Tokyo Summit in Japan.


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Artist's conception of a visit to the Eiffel Tower in a version of the JCDecaux City Provider | Citroen photos

French automaker Citroen has shared its vision for the urban mobility of tomorrow, with autonomous movement around town “for everyone,” the company said of its Urban Collëctif concept vehicles, developed in partnership with hotel group Accor and outdoor advertising and street furniture specialist JCDecaux. 

The project is based on the Citroen Skate platform with three service pods — Sofitel En Voyage, Pullman Power Fitness, and JCDecaux City Provider.

Image: Artist's conception of a visit to the Eiffel Tower in a version of the JCDecaux City Provider | Citroen photos

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