Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

innovation DAILY

Here we highlight selected innovation related articles from around the world on a daily basis.  These articles related to innovation and funding for innovative companies, and best practices for innovation based economic development.


It’s been my fear for a while now – making “tech” my “beat”…could I be backing a dying industry?

Not because we’re near bubble territory, or we’re heading for a crash. Quite the reverse…because tech is going to explode in a good way…it’ll be omnipresent; it will be within each and every industry. Tech will be driving change so deeply across finance, healthcare, hospitality… that all the cool businesses I’d usually be following would be other journalist’s joy to cover.


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success vision growth

If the Fortune 500 had a motto, it could be “go big or go home”. Large companies excel at bold, expensive moves intended to intimidate the competition. After all, they have enough resources to follow through on their aggressive threats. Startups, however, don’t have the luxury of belligerence. With their limited resources, attracting the attention of more powerful rivals too early in the game can be fatal. However, their smallness can also be a distinct advantage, allowing them to make market inroads right under the noses of the giants.


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Nelson Dong

"The early bird gets the worm." At no point in history has this time-tested idiom been more relevant than it is today. Millennials are a generation of early birds with bigger, better ideas than their predecessors would like to admit. Young people, while somewhat lacking in the skills which were once essential to day-to-day functions, have trained themselves to be more talented in the arts, sciences, technology and other marketable fields. The Millennial Generation is perhaps host to more so-called Renaissance Men and Women than any generation that came before, due in large part to the increasing availability of resources in the era of information.


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KIND Healthy Snacks has sold more than one billion snack bars -- that's billion with a "B." The New York City-based company was founded in 2004 by CEO Daniel Lubetzky and today has about 300 full-time employees. The social-mission component of the company has inspired more than one million acts of kindness. Lubetzky hasn’t always had such impressive milestones to illustrate his success, however.

Image: Christopher Perino, Ricky Restiano Photography

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Becoming a successful entrepreneur is as much of a mental game, as it is one of finesse and expertise.

You can be the most intelligent, talented, and respected person within your industry, but if you don't believe in yourself and continue to be brutally honest as you move through the extremely difficult stages of growing a business, your failure is all but inevitable.


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Professional surfer Tom Dosland was caught on camera during a scary free fall from a huge wave in Maui, Hawaii, on Jan. 27. Dosland described the incident to Surfer Magazine later, saying that striking the face of the wave was “a brutal beating, like I was in a car crash.” Thankfully, Dosland emerged unscathed, but his board was completely destroyed.


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Ben Britt of Atlanta measures the changes that have transformed the American economy over the past generation in the distance between his life in his late twenties and his father’s experiences at the same age.

Britt, 28, feels as if he is still just getting started. After high school, he spent years in odd jobs (farm work, road construction, landscaping) trying to save money to attend college. Now, he’s finally expecting to complete a four-year college degree in computer engineering in the spring of 2017. Once he has the degree, he’s hoping to find a job nearby that can launch a sustainable career—and then to move from the apartment he’s sharing with a roommate into a house he would own.


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George Washington

The Founding Father's entrepreneurial instincts can still guide innovators today.

MORE How a Little Bribery Could Be a Good Thing How Google Perfected the Silicon Valley Acquisition 3 Books Every Leader Should Read to Be Successful George Washington was among the most successful businessmen of his day. Raised in a single-parent home and bereft of formal education, he nevertheless parleyed a modest inheritance into what was by the time of his death one of the grandest estates in North America


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cheat sheet

One of the key factors for a sustainable business is keeping track of how finance is managed. The degree of risk associated with this factor gets even more magnified in the entrepreneurial world,as entrepreneurs do not necessarily walk through the hall of fame with a swashbuckling qualification in finance. Entrepreneurs are impulse-driven. Many entrepreneurs even take it upon themselves to manage the finance of the company until they find a suitable teammate who can look into the holy grail of the company’s future. They learn finance the hard way, through experience and advice from their mentors, but in most cases this information comes in only when the mistakes are made.


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A team of engineering students from MIT has won the Best Overall Design Award at the SpaceX’s Hyperloop Pod Competition Design Weekend contest at Texas A&M University in College Station, Texas. The MIT Hyperloop Team won for their design for pods that could travel via Hyperloop, a conceptual transportation system described in 2013 by SpaceX CEO Elon Musk as a series of tubes that shuttle passengers in pods at up to 700 miles an hour.


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You can’t find your phone. You don’t remember if you answered your client’s email. And you forgot the question you wanted to ask your colleague when you bump into her in the hallway.

If you’re feeling a little forgetful lately, it might be due to something you’re doing during the day. Turns out there are several surprising and common activities people do that hurt their memory. Do you do any of these five things?


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Students who applied early to the University of New Hampshire will know by the end of the month if they were accepted. Then many would-be Wildcats will start biting their nails, waiting for their financial aid letter. Four years’ tuition and fees at UNH can put families back over $67,000 — roughly what the typical New Hampshire household earns in a year.


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Harvard Ecosystem of Innovation Alphabetica

The academic, research, and business expertise of Harvard University continues to transform early stage ideas into groundbreaking companies that drive innovation, discover cures, and build the regional economy. We were tasked with creating a microsite within the active Harvard Community Connections website to showcase the impact Harvard has made over the last several years. 


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The financial markets group of Dutch bank ING is in the midst of an "emotional intelligence" revolution.

The division has around 350 salespeople that deal financial products to clients looking to hedge their bets around the world.

It's now two years into a programme to improve staff emotional intelligence to rid fear and self-interest from the institutional mindset.

Image: What emotion is this? -

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Wealth inequality in the US is the worst it's ever been, and the Silicon Valley startup accelerator Y Combinator thinks giving people free money might be a way to solve the problem. 

For five years, the accelerator plans to give a select group of Americans a regular paycheck, no strings attached. (If you want to lead this research, Y Combinator is hiring.)

Image: Flickr / amboo who?

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Frances Bridges

Deloitte released their 2016 Millennial survey, and they found that two in three Millennials expect to leave their current employer by 2020. One in four Millennials, if given the option, would leave their current employer this year to join a new organization or try a different career path. The figure increases to 44% with a two year time frame. Two of every three surveyed hope to have moved on by 2020, and only 16% see themselves with their current employer in a decade. Millennials were surveyed in 29 countries, emerging and developing, and 64% of Millennials in the United States alone expect to leave their employers in the next five years.


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“Risk-averse venture capitalist” might sound like a contradiction in terms, but in Shanghai it’s precisely the sort of financier the city is looking to attract. Starting Feb. 1, the city plans to reimburse venture capitalists for losses up to 6 million yuan ($912,000) per year, incurred investing in the city’s early-stage startups. The policy is intended to accelerate Shanghai's transformation into a science-and-technology hub of “global influence.”


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job search

These days, the majority of a company’s employees are networked together on social media sites like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram. They no doubt also have important vendors, customers, and future customers among their contacts. That’s why understanding, modeling, and measuring your employee network should be a key ingredient in your company’s strategic HR decisions.


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Esha Chhabra

The term “social enterprise” is far too limiting, says Laurence Brahm.

“Why shouldn’t business be profitable?”

Rightly so, it should, he says.  But the aim of business has to be so much more than just profit.  It has to solve problems, he goes on to explain.  He’s referring to big global problems like the environment, food security, poverty, inequity.


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