Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

innovation DAILY

Here we highlight selected innovation related articles from around the world on a daily basis.  These articles related to innovation and funding for innovative companies, and best practices for innovation based economic development.


Being an entrepreneur is not easy. It is a long journey that is full of challenges and problems. In order to overcome these problems, you need to think outside of the box, improve yourself constantly and learn from your mistakes. However, you can also learn from other people’s mistakes and movies are a great way to do this. Therefore, as an entrepreneur, whenever you need a break or some motivation, watch the below movies and inspire yourself.


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As business becomes increasingly technological, the proportion of ‘geeks’ in the ranks is rising. Some say they’re annoying and others that they just don’t fit in, but it’s essential for managers to integrate these knowledgeable individuals, no matter how awkward they are.

We all have or have had someone at work, who was mildly or even deeply annoying to work with, who just did not seem to “get” situations, and who seemed to function in a world apart.  At the time, most of us probably just gently put up with the misfit, occasionally becoming more annoyed, and thought little more of it.


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Weak players in organisations can overcome their dependence on powerful actors, but it comes at a cost.

Alexis Tsipras, the new left wing prime minister of Greece, is in a tight spot. Having spent much of his time trying to coerce the powerful countries of Europe into accepting Greece’s rejection of the agreements signed between the EU and the prior Greek government, he’s not getting any closer to achieving his goals. He cannot reduce Greece’s dependence on the “troika” and has been unable to rally allies to his cause. Greece is running out of money, and out of time.


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Entrepreneurs sometimes do stupid things.

We can’t help it. That’s part of the reason that an entrepreneur is an entrepreneur. She is not afraid to make mistakes, take risks and maybe to look like a fool.

But sometimes those same tendencies backfire. I’ve noticed some of the things that tend to derail other entrepreneurs. When they face the issues I describe below, it’s a signal that they need to stop what they’re doing, evaluate their direction and take action based on what they see.


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As the U.S. powers the global economic expansion in its fifth year, the world's rich are counting on American companies to help increase their fortunes.

At least a dozen family offices administering fortunes made in Europe, Asia and South America have opened U.S. outposts in the past two years or are making direct investments in corporations from Silicon Valley to the East Coast. Their view is that the Federal Reserve's aggressive monetary easing, a shale oil boom that's lowered energy costs and improving corporate balance sheets give the world's largest economy an edge over other regions.


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Roger Trapp

Android, the smartphone operating system that emerged almost from nowhere as a rival to Apple’s iOS, is perhaps the best known example of “open innovation”. Others are Linux, the software platform to which Android owes so much, and the online encyclopedia Wikipedia. But, while Linux and Wikipedia can be seen as groups of community-minded technologists, Android is at the heart of one of the most intensely-fought battles in contemporary business. Essentially, all smartphones run on either iOS or Android.


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A stunning photo went viral over the weekend, revealing a supertide that turned an 11th-century French abbey that is usually surrounded by sheep into an island swallowed by the sea. The image, from AP, is shown here.  

Similar photos from other news agencies also ran rampant on the Web. Thousands of people arrived on the coast of Normandy to watch the spectacular 14-meter-high surge of water envelop Mont Saint-Michel, the enclave around the abbey—usually accessible only by a causeway, which was overtopped by the tide.

Image: A supertide envelopes Mont Saint-Michel. Click to enlarge. Associated Press

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For me, becoming an entrepreneur has been an exciting (albeit somewhat unexpected) journey. This isn’t where I thought my MBA would take me, but here I am, working with a team of amazing Penn students—Matt Carey C’07/WG’15 and Adam Colombo ENG’14/W’14—to build a company. Since first meeting in late 2013, we’ve put in months of building, testing and iterating, and now we are excited to announce the launch of Abaris.

Image: The Abaris team (L to R): Matt Carey C’07/WG’15, Adam Colombo ENG’14/W’14, and Nimish Shukla WG’15/G’15. -

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Isn’t it frustrating to think you finally understand something in business, like marketing with social media, only to realize that the landscape changed while you were looking at other priorities? For example, it used to be that marketing via social media meant banner ads on Facebook, buying search engine results, and sponsoring blog entries, but these don’t suffice anymore.


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A hefty portion of the boomer generation is zooming in on retirement. But many of these individuals aren’t thinking about lawn chairs and backyard barbeques. They’re thinking about embarking on a career as an entrepreneur.

Boomers, the generation of people born between 1946 and 1964, are twice as likely to be gearing up to launch a business in the next year than millennials are, according to entrepreneurship organization the Kauffman Foundation in its 2015 State of Entrepreneurship Study.


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Esha Chhabra

Your morning coffee could help give birth to a new generation of trees and plants.  

Reduce. Reuse. Grow., a San Luis Obispo-based startup, has pioneered a new type of coffee cup — one encased with seeds.  After you trash the cup (in a specified bin), the company will ensure that those cups are planted in three nature parks in California.


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The plundering of European money for research and development in favour of short term and politically-motivated projects is a matter that I have regularly argued against in the European Parliament without great success. However, the protest letter written to the European Commission by a number of Nobel Prize Winners should be seen as a last SOS call to save the ambitious European research project Horizon 2020 from sinking.

Image: Hans-Olaf Henkel (European Parliament)

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Microsoft founder Bill Gates is looking to invest in a range of projects in China - including pollution control, productive rice and convenient vaccine storage facilities - to help the country's millions of poor. Gates said his charity foundation the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which he co-chairs with his wife, is cooperating with Chinese innovators.


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michigan map

State legislators have backed off a plan to end funding for venture capital firms from two state funds created during the Granholm administration to help diversify the economy.

Legislators wanted to halt funding after the House Fiscal Agency said it might cost the state $140 million in the next three years to cover shortfalls in loan and interest payments for one of the funds.

But had the legislation gone through as originally written, it could have cost the state $450 million.


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Tim Cook - AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite

In a Washington Post op-ed article published late Sunday night, Apple CEO Tim Cook expounded upon his earlier remarks on Twitter from Friday, saying he was "deeply disappointed" in the recently passed law in Indiana that shields business owners who turn away customers for religious reasons. Opponents to the law say it could enable discrimination against those who are gay.

Image: Tim Cook - AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite

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