Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

innovation DAILY

Here we highlight selected innovation related articles from around the world on a daily basis.  These articles related to innovation and funding for innovative companies, and best practices for innovation based economic development.


Even if you can’t remember the last time you didn’t eat lunch at your desk or you’ve crashed Outlook with the number of meetings you’ve tried to schedule, let’s admit it: Everyone can find 10 minutes. It may be that dead zone before your next conference call or the tiny window after you submitted one project and have to start another. But we can all find it.


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When he left Lightbank last year, Paul Lee wasn't done with startups. But he thought the traditional venture-capital fund could use some tweaking.

Serial entrepreneurs are the best risks, but many are still involved with prior ventures or don't want to sign on to build another startup from scratch. Young entrepreneurs have the desire to work 80-hour weeks but often lack experience and capital to pull off a startup.

So he combined the two, along with private capital, into a firm called Roniin.

Image: Manuel Martinez -- Roniin co-founders, from left: Arman Ghosh, Ryan Jeffery, Paul Lee and Kathryn Saluke

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money tree

Angel funding is often viewed as a stepping stone towards obtaining venture capital. An alternative perspective is that angel investors and venture capitalists are distinct investor types that rarely mix with each other. Using a unique database from British Columbia, Canada, we provide evidence that angel and venture capital funding are dynamic substitutes, not complements. This finding applies across the performance range. Using an instrumental variable approach based on tax credits, we find evidence of both company-led selection and investor-led treatment effects. The substitutes pattern is more pronounced for casual angels and angel funds than for serial angels.


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Well, this one’s going to be controversial.

Real estate giant Jones Lang Lasalle just ranked Boston the top life science cluster in the country. No shock there. But rather than handing second place to San Francisco – the obvious choice – it’s claiming that the Raleigh/Durham region of North Carolina ranks third in the country.


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Technology changes far slower than we usually think it does.

In fact, a pretty-good technology that achieves widespread acceptance has a way of sticking around for years, even decades. Just look at how many people still listen to AM radio, buy CDs at concerts, or drive cars with internal combustion engines and four wheels.

Image: In the 1950s, this might have seemed like the inevitable future of technology. It didn't work out that way (fortunately!). Image Credit: James Vaughan/Flickr

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wikipedia call center

These days, it is almost impossible to find a small business where everything is done at the home location, by full-time employees. We are in the age of outsourcing, by any of many popular names, including subcontracting, freelancing, and virtual assistants. These approaches allow your startup to grow more rapidly, save costs, but costly mistakes can lead to business failure.


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Yahoo logo

July 26, 2015 | Internet giant Yahoo will establish its first startup accelerator in Israel, according to a Globes report. Yahoo’s first incubator is slated to open in September 2015 in Ramat Gan, with two additional Israeli accelerators possibly following in its footsteps. Software giant Microsoft, along with venture capital firm Entree Capital, will partner with Yahoo on this project.


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It’s widely believed that entrepreneurs are born, rather than made, and that the character traits common to all successful entrepreneurs are somehow genetic predispositions.  Some of the most renowned entrepreneurs, including Richard Branson and Alan Sugar left school as soon as they were able, immediately got their noses to the grindstone and began to make their way in the world.  But is that not just a coincidence?  After all, leaving school at 16 is hardly a character trait.  Are entrepreneurs really the product of nature or nurture?


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Chefs working with the Food Innovation Center at Oregon State University have been experimenting with a patented, fast-growing new form of a seaweed called dulse, which has for centuries been harvested in the wild and used in northern European cuisine.

Researchers say their dulse, when fried, tastes like bacon. Vegans everywhere are rejoicing. Michael Morrisey, the center’s director, joins Here & Now host Jeremy Hobson to talk about the results.

Image: Dulse, a type of seaweed, has for centuries been harvested in the wild and used in northern European cuisine. (Akuppa/Flickr)

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With tech startups rapidly eating into traditional sectors, large organisations face an increased pressure to innovate. The challenge is that traditional innovation approaches are broken, revealed a global report “The Innovation Game: Why and How Businesses are Investing in Innovation Centers” by Altimeter Group’s Brian Solis and Capgemini Consulting.


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It may seem like the world is winding down for the summer, but it's high season for independent productions in the ATX. Here's three films with an Austin connection that are down to the wire on the crowdfunding campaigns.

Monitor is the new horror short by Ryan Siller. Instead of found footage, he calls it a stolen-footage film, as a neighbor makes off with a nanny-cam that contains video of the supernatural fate that befell the family next door. To tell the tale, he's hoping to raise the ridiculously low sum of $250 by July 15. Why so little?


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A bill that would allow private businesses in New Jersey to crowdfund through Web portals has received final legislative approval and is now heading to Gov. Chris Christie's desk for consideration.

Under the measure, businesses can use the portals to secure total investments of up to $1 million in $5,000 increments from New Jersey-based, unaccredited investors.

Image: State Sen. Joe Kyrillos (R-Middletown) is a primary sponsor of the crowdfunding bill. - (MARY IUVONE/FOR NJBIZ)

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Successful Innovation Means Choosing the Right Partners

In today’s globalized business environment, firms are no longer developing innovations in a vacuum. Instead, companies often work with partners from all over the world to develop innovative strategies and products.

While these networks can be promising in terms of innovation, they are also complex to manage due to the myriad cultural, legal, institutional and other differences that each firm brings to the table. In a new paper, “The Cross-National Configuration of Brokerage Triads: Effects on the Impact and Radicalness of Innovation,” Wharton management professor Exequiel Hernandez and Wharton doctoral student Sarath Balachandran examine what is the optimal mix of domestic and foreign partners in a particular network. What they found is that it depends on what type of innovative solution a firm or group of firms is trying to produce.


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Ray Leach

Ray Leach is CEO of JumpStart, a Cleveland-based organization that wants to see a boom in entrepreneurship in the Midwest. He works with startups on finding them cash, human capital and resources.

Leach has big goals for the once industrial and neglected city: he wants 10,000 new jobs in Cleveland in the next 10 years and more than a couple billion investment dollars in the next few years.


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colored pencils

What is it like to work as a graphic designer?

Answer below by Quora user Craig Weiland, art director.

It takes a certain kind of person to be a successful graphic designer, especially one who really enjoys doing it and is willing to make a career out of it. It requires a combination of audacity and humility, confidence in one's talent and a willingness to cheerfully surrender it to another's taste preferences. And it demands a willingness to create art that many, many people will see, and be unable to claim any credit for it except privately (or, if you're lucky, design awards shows).


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Companies from BMW to Kraft have invested a good deal in soliciting “open innovation” ideas from consumers, but the results have been underwhelming: Of the more than 23,000 ideas gathered by Dell’s Idea Storm site, only 2% have been put to use, and Starbucks has implemented an even smaller fraction of the 200,000 suggestions submitted to My Starbucks Idea (including 6,000 for new varieties of Frappuccino).

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From the Global Entrepreneurship Summit, Village Capital today announced $13.2 million in commitments to VilCap Investments, a new investment vehicle that aims to make 100 investments in 75 peer-selected companies globally over the life of the fund.

Village Capital was founded in 2009 with the goal to democratize entrepreneurship. Its core investment thesis is that entrepreneurs building businesses are the best equipped to decide which companies receive early-stage investments. Over the past five years, Village Capital has invested more than $2 million through peer review, and portfolio entrepreneurs have validated the thesis by creating 7,000 jobs and raising $50 million in follow-on capital -- and 93% of Village Capital companies are still growing and thriving.

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In #MyIndustry, content creation (I’m an author, keynote speaker and publisher), there is already a flood of content and the flood waters will not recede anytime soon. In fact, the rate of content creation is increasing as more companies launch content marketing and inbound marketing campaigns to pull customers to them.

Before the Internet came along, content was naturally limited by the potential throughput possible through a relatively fixed number of available channels:

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It is a sticky, summer night in Beirut. A crowd gathers around a projector at a venue in the city's Hamra district.

"10! 9! 8! 7! 6!" they count down.

The crowd is anticipating the launch of a crowdfunding effort called #ShatilAlive that's designed to raise funds for the Basmeh wa Zeitooneh community organization and arts and cultural center located in the heart of Beirut's Shatila refugee camp.


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