My [Jay Deragon ] post “The Emergence of the
“Know” Profile” stirred numerous responses. Within these responses,
and the subsequent dialog within the blogosphere , came many questions
and perceptions as to the validity of someday actualizing the “know”
profile as described.
Given this exchange I thought it would be worthy to examine some of the relevant issues raised and address them by sharing more details of how the “know” profile will emerge and how it will work.
How Can Knowledge be Indexed into an Inventory?
Libraries use numerical indexing to categorize books and the relevant content. The numerical indexing system applies numbers to make a search of relevant and relative words all contained in a taxonomy of subjects. These numeric indexes began in approximately 1894. This “taxonomy” of knowledge assets (contained in libraries of knowledge) can be found in places like Amazon, Encyclopedia Britannica or the Library of Congress etc. Ever seen anything like this ISBN 0-534-39200-8? That is the numerical index number for a book.
Now take that same concept and apply the related methodologies to “indexing an individuals knowledge assets” and what you create is a library of individual knowledge inventory. Computer algebra system would perform the required calculations. The new system would include various versions of algorithms used to index ones knowledge inventory based on education, learning degrees, life experiences and original published content. All of this currently rest in our social profiles but is yet to be indexed to reflect our individual knowledge inventory. Not yet but soon.