Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

innovation DAILY

Here we highlight selected innovation related articles from around the world on a daily basis.  These articles related to innovation and funding for innovative companies, and best practices for innovation based economic development.


The state of Minnesota is next on the list of states determined to take matters into their own hands as Federal regulations continue to be mired in parochial politics and timid rulemaking. A crowdfunding bill was introduced into the legislative process today in St. Paul. The potential law was driven by an advocacy group formed on behalf of the state entitled MNvest.


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EIR Job Opportunity

BioHealth Innovation, Inc. (BHI), a Montgomery County innovation intermediary is seeking an energetic and motivated life science professional for the role of an Entrepreneur-in-Residence (EIR) focused in the Medical Device space.

The EIR program was setup at BioHealth Innovation to:

  • Retain and bring entrepreneurial talent to the Maryland Ecosystem
  • Build sustainable life science startups that will add value within the healthcare system and also build upon the existing infrastructure
  • Connect resources including Institutions, technology assets, people and money within Maryland as well as attract it to Maryland

The EIR will work with BHI leadership to ensure that the activities and outcomes are aligned with BHIs strategic focus.

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For startup entrepreneurs — especially first-timers — that are just getting started on the journey of raising seed capital, the process can be daunting.  How do you talk to an investor?  How do you determine what investor is right for your business?  There are lots of questions and few great answers.


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The history repeats itself crowd thinks that that there must be a bubble sooner or later. “Now?” they constantly ask, “Is it a bubble now?” as if history has to repeat whatever was most memorable about the last time. History may repeat itself, but there’s an awful lot of history that this particular venture capital cycle could repeat. Below is a short history of venture capital in the 1980s, my interpretation and comparison to the ’90s and today, and some thoughts about what that means. It’s long. If you’re attention-deprived, skip to ‘1980s v. 1990s’, about four-fifths of the way down.


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When Mohamed El-Erian abruptly resigned from his high-profile, and highly lucrative, position as Pimco’s co-chief investment officer a year ago, most observers were shocked. I wasn’t.

As a researcher and consultant to executives across diverse industries, I know how common it is for successful, high-performing people to lose their passion for work — and their commitment to their organizations — over time. I call this phenomenon “executive brownout” and the details of El-Erian’s departure (not to mention more recent reporting on the conduct of his co-CIO Bill Gross, who has also since resigned) only confirmed my opinion that he was very likely suffering from it. El-Erian said he decided to leave after receiving a note from his 10-year old daughter outlining 22 milestones  in her life that he had missed.


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Ray Leach

CLEVELAND, Jan. 12, 2015 -- Fresh off his appointment to the newly formed National Venture NVCA Diversity Task Force, JumpStart Inc. CEO Ray Leach has been invited to serve as a panelist at next week's 18th Annual Rainbow PUSH Wall Street Project Economic Summit in New York.

Founded in 1996 by Reverend Jesse L. Jackson, Sr., and the Citizenship Education Fund, the Wall Street Project challenges corporate America to end the multi-billion dollar trade deficit with minority vendors and consumers and works to assure equal opportunity for diverse employees, entrepreneurs and consumers.


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Fresh off his appointment to the newly formed National Venture Capital Association (NVCA) Diversity Task Force, JumpStart Inc. CEO Ray Leach headed to New York City this week to join a panel of industry leaders at the 18th annual Rainbow PUSH Wall Street Project Economic Summit.

In a panel discussion entitled "Access to Capital – How to Secure Venture Capital for your Business," Ray helped lead an honest conversation about the current lack of diversity in the venture capital industry. He also discussed the work JumpStart has done to promote inclusion in Northeast Ohio and met with Reverend Jesse L. Jackson, Sr., who co-founded the Wall Street Project in 1996.


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On Real Clear Markets It s Time to Revive U S Entrepreneurship Kauffman org

How the U.S. Can Revive Its Entrepreneurial Vigor

American entrepreneurship has never been stronger, right? Unfortunately, it doesn't appear that way.

Everywhere you look, it seems—despite the verbal homage paid to entrepreneurs by policymakers and Fortune 500 CEOs and a rise in the general consciousness about entrepreneurship—the economy is getting less entrepreneurial, less dynamic, and thus less productive.


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As investors seek to take advantage of a hot market for start-up funding and initial public offerings (IPOs), the money raised by venture capital firms reached its highest level since 2007 last year, increasing by 62 percent to $32.97bn.

Venture Capital is financial capital provided to early-stage, high-potential, and growth start-up companies. The venture capital fund earns money by owning equity in the companies it invests in, which usually have a novel technology or business model in high technology industries, such as biotechnology and IT.


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The United States shouldn’t worry just yet about losing the number one spot as far as disease-related research in the world goes – that’s pretty solid – but that doesn’t mean the country is steadily moving forward the way it could or should.

A study published online in the American Medical Association’s journal JAMA demonstrates that the U.S. funded 57 percent of the biomedical research in the world a decade ago, but it has now dropped to 44 percent.


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In 2012, we authored a report titled The Evolving Business Case for Social Media in Healthcare – a publication covering the range of social media influences on the industry.  These influences were essentially cloud-based approaches to sharing information between consumers, individual care professionals and healthcare organizations.


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A trio of scientists have started working with researchers at GlaxoSmitKline on a potential cure for cancer. In fact, they believe they've found the diseases' "Achilles heel." Last month, GlaxoSmithKline (NYSE: GSK) selected a Wistar/Penn project for its 2014 Discovery Fast Track Challenge program, which was created to accelerate the development of new medicines.

Image: Wistar's Maureen Murphy and Penn's Donna George are working with GlaxoSmithKline on an experimental cancer treatment.

Read more ... doesn’t sound like a typical name for a defense contractor.

But the New York-based web analytics startup has been awarded more than $1 million through a Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) program called Memex, focused on developing the next generation of web search.

"It’s trying to explore all of the myriad use cases that search and webcrawling can do for you that aren’t just commercial web search," says cofounder and CTO Andrew Montalenti.


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Ordinarily, the most notable thing about Nissan's Leaf hatchback is that it's the world's most popular all-electric car. But on Thursday afternoon, I went on brief excursions around Sunnyvale, California in a couple of Leafs which were anything but ordinary. Both were test vehicles which had been modified by the Nissan Research Center to do almost all the driving themselves.


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Israel is, without doubt, one of the most exciting startup hotspots on the planet. If it’s not the admiring government support, it’s the succinct financial support being made available as this new findings come to show. A new report by IVC Research Online shows that the Venture Capital (VC) cookie jar got filled to the brim in 2014. Twelve VC firms managed to raise nearly US$1-billion with the average fund size of US$76-million which is an increase of 55%.


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The Enterprise Center on Tuesday announced the establishment of the Chattanooga Innovation District, calling it part of an "ongoing effort to solidify Chattanooga’s growing standing as an ideal city for startup companies, technology and the next generation 'innovation economy.' ”

Image: Making the announcement at the Development Resource Center were, from left, Ken Hays, Mike Bradshaw, County Mayor Jim Coppinger and Mayor Andy Berke 

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michigan map

Invest Michigan announced this week that it has invested $375,000 in four early-stage tech startups through the Michigan Pre-Seed Fund 2.0. Invest Michigan is funded by the Michigan Strategic Fund and has $5.8 million earmarked for investment in high-tech startups with an additional $1 million dedicated to help universities transfer technology to the marketplace.


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April Rudin

I enjoy disruption. That's why I love financial services, which is an easy target for disruption if there ever was one.

Just take an example from venture capital -- how the concept of "crowdfunding" could re-shape the way we invest in early stage growth companies.

Mighty oaks from little acorns grow. That is the allure of venture capital: the opportunity to invest in start-up companies whose value might multiply exponentially.


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Venture Capital Market Is It Getting Over Heated Video Bloomberg

Israeli crowdfunding site are crowd.

You start seeing things like whatsapp or a $40 billion devaluation on uber, is this 1989 all over again it?

We have companies with real value, making money and creating earnings.

This is a totally different situation.

Some of these valuations you could debate.

I wouldn't bet against mark zuckerberg.

They seem to know what they are doing.


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