Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

innovation DAILY

Here we highlight selected innovation related articles from around the world on a daily basis.  These articles related to innovation and funding for innovative companies, and best practices for innovation based economic development.


Q: Will you take just a moment to introduce yourself and tell us a little bit about you personally?

A: I’m a professor at the University of Cincinnati but I’m really a corporate guy. I’ve been in large organizations for over 30 years and 17 of those years were at the global healthcare company, Johnson & Johnson which is where I learned this method that the book is about.


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Of the 115 healthcare accelerators in the world, 87 are in the U.S., most of them are geared to digital health and are under two years old. Although many accelerator companies have created jobs and there have been some exits, most have yet to show anything for the investment in them. That’s understandable given the age of the average accelerator and given that it can take seven years before a company can realize a return on capital for investors. But the consensus of a new report published by the California HealthCare Foundation is that we should expect some consolidation soon.


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Three major medical centers in Wisconsin recently won a $12.5 million federal grant to expand clinical trials for some promising cancer drugs.

The Marshfield Clinic Research Foundation, St. Vincent Hospital in Green Bay and Gunderson Medical Foundation in La Crosse will use this money to advance the development of some innovative new treatments for this devastating disease.

Image: Free Digital Photos

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On ABC's THE VIEW, The Sharks of 'Shark Tank' discussed what it takes to be a good entrepreneur. Check out the appearance below!

"The View," recipient of the 2003 Daytime Emmy® Award for "Outstanding Talk Show," is ABC Daytime's morning chatfest, featuring a team of dynamic women of different ages, experiences and backgrounds discussing the most exciting events of the day. The program has received critical acclaim since premiering August 11, 1997. It's broadcast live weekdays from New York City (11:00 a.m.-12:00 noon, ET; CLOSED-CAPTIONED; broadcast in stereo; TV-14).


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Amitav Ghosh's novel The Calcutta Chromosome is based on a strange premise: what if personality could be transmitted via a female Anopheles mosquito? In this scenario, such a mosquito could nip a doctor, say, pick up latent malarial plasmodium, and then wander over to nip you. The malaria is bad enough, but post-recovery, your friends notice you insist on wearing a stethoscope at all times.

Image: Free Digital Photos

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Cancer is so pervasive that it touches virtually every family in this country. More than one out of three Americans will be diagnosed with some form of it in their lifetime. And as anyone who's been through it knows, the shock and anxiety of the diagnosis is followed by a second jolt: the high price of cancer drugs.

They are so astronomical that a growing number of patients can't afford their co-pay, the percentage of their drug bill they have to pay out-of-pocket. This has led to a revolt against the drug companies led by some of the most prominent cancer doctors in the country.


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"If you're not taking risks in your career," says Valerie Oswalt, vice president of sales, west area for Mondelēz International, "you might actually be creating more risk for yourself."

For Oswalt, the chance to make a risky career move arrived when she accepted a role working on a project in an undefined, new area. There was a lot of risk, as the project would make her success -– or failure -– highly visible.


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Startups, which used to take around $8 million and six months of work to launch, increasingly demand only tens of thousands of dollars and a few weeks of time to get off the ground.

Technology has made it easier to establish startups, and with increased entrepreneurial options come attractive opportunities for job seekers looking to abandon the traditional corporate model. While passion and dedication should drive employees to excel at their positions and add value to their companies, salary is clearly a great motivator but the approach to compensation is often quite different at a startup versus at a more established company.


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We’ve all heard the old joke “In a bacon-and-egg breakfast, the chicken is involved, but the pig is committed.” This quote epitomizes the true essence of commitment. We all know at least one small business owner who claims to committed, but seems to treat the business like a part-time hobby. They don’t put personal skin in the game, and are quick to give up when things are tough.


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Ryan Hoover

Ryan Hoover was dancing with some friends at DNA Lounge in San Francisco last month when a stranger suddenly turned to him and asked, "Are you Ryan from Product Hunt?" A few weeks later, another person recognized him while he was working out at the gym.

"It's been happening more than I would expect lately," Hoover says. "It makes me feel slightly more self-conscious and aware of what I'm doing."

Image: Ryan Hoover, founder of Product Hunt

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U.S. venture capital firms raised $6.1 billion in new commitments from 60 funds during the third quarter of 2014, a 26 percent decrease compared to the number of funds raised during the second quarter of 2014 and a 21 percent decline by dollar commitments, according to Thomson Reuters and the National Venture Capital Association (NVCA). The level of dollar commitments raised during the third quarter of 2014 increased 40 percent compared to the third quarter of last year and brings the dollar volume of capital committed to U.S. venture capital funds during the first nine months of 2014 to $23.8 billion, eclipsing full year 2013 levels.


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To outsiders, it used to seem as though running a startup was just a matter of hanging out with your friends while raising tons of venture capital funding. And that view isn't all wrong. But in the decades since the Silicon Valley craze began, critics have been working to give both insiders and onlookers a reality check.

"There's something delicious and hypnotic about being all in it together and counting on each other," Kate Losse, who wrote the tell-all "The Boy Kings" about her time as one of the first customer service representatives at Facebook, told Forbes. "It's maybe why people these days are fascinated with startups." Gideon Lewis-Kraus' "No Exit," from earlier this year, chronicled a startup in the midst of Silicon Valley's "modern gold rush" that ends up being more trouble than it was worth. As former Google programmer Michael Church once wrote in a blog post, "The best and worst companies tend to be startups. The worst ones don't usually live long enough to become big companies, so there's a survivorship bias that leads us to think of startups as innately superior. It's not the case."


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killer whale

Killer whales are known for their haunting songs consisting of complex whistles and clicks, but they can also learn "dolphin speak," a new study finds.

Most animals communicate with innate sounds, such as the barking of dogs and the gobbling of turkeys. But some species, humans, for example, can imitate new sounds and learn how to use them correctly in social situations. This ability, called vocal learning, is one of the foundations of language.

Image: FineShine |

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We dug into our compilation of startup failure post-mortems (currently 101 and growing) and analyzed each one to understand the reason(s) for startup failure.  Yes, we read through 101 startup failure post-mortems and distilled down to the top 20 reasons.


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Dreamforce 2014 is coming next week and rabid hordes of marketing technologists will be descending on San Francisco to learn about all things Salesforce.

Well, probably not rabid.

But who are these people who are driving $4 billion in Salesforce revenue in 2014? Predictive analytics leader Mintigo turned its analytics on that question recently, and the results are pretty clear: Small and medium-sized software companies are driving Salesforce’ success more than any other industry.

Image: Jon Mountjoy

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martin zwilling

Many experts will tell you that you can’t succeed as a part-time entrepreneur, as any good startup will require a 100 percent commitment of your time and energy. But not many of us have enough savings to live for a year or more without a salary, fund the startup and still feed the family. Thus I often recommend that entrepreneurs keep their day job until the startup is producing revenue.


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As Alexandria Real Estate Equities (NYSE: ARE) marks the 20th anniversary of its founding, the provider of state-of-the-art real estate for the science and technology industries is seeing occupancy, demand and new development all reach record levels.

“It’s an interesting time because we’re seeing the innovation economy doing miraculously well,” said Joel Marcus, founder and CEO of Pasadena, Calif.-based Alexandria.

Image: Image courtesy of Alexandria Real Estate Equities, Inc

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Downtown Partnership of Baltimore Inc. is launching a grant program aimed at getting more tech firms to consider moving downtown. The nonprofit is offering six $10,000 grants to tech firms willing to give office space a try downtown for at least a year. Firms must locate to within Downtown Partnership's "management authority area," a 106-block area that includes the central business district, part of midtown's west side and the west side of downtown up to Greene Street.


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