Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

innovation DAILY

Here we highlight selected innovation related articles from around the world on a daily basis.  These articles related to innovation and funding for innovative companies, and best practices for innovation based economic development.

street map

SEATTLE — The part of this city east of Northgate Mall looks like many of the neighborhoods that surround it, with its modest midcentury homes beneath dogwood and Douglas fir trees.

Whatever distinguishes this place is invisible from the street. But it appears that poor children who grow up here — to a greater degree than children living even a mile away — have good odds of escaping poverty over the course of their lives.


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Stubbornness isn’t necessarily bad and can in fact be a virtue. Sometimes, as history has shown, people do the right thing by remaining steadfast to their beliefs. Take the Charles de Gaulle. General de Gaulle refused to admit defeat after France was overrun by Nazi Germany during World War II. Against overwhelming odds, he persuaded the French that they would ultimately prevail. His unwavering belief in the greatness of his country helped him turn his vision into reality. After the war,  then President de Gaulle managed to secure a permanent seat for France on the United Nations Security Council. His determination earnt France respect on the global stage.


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Growing business revenue is on the mind of every business professional. You may have your eye on the prize but are unsure how to produce the additional profits your company can certainly use. Tapping into new markets can help you reach your revenue goals while also expanding your business in a whole new way.


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Kimanzi Constable

There are many elements to a successful business. Two important strategies are having multiple revenue streams and passive income. The goal is to create consistent revenue and a backup plan in case one revenue stream is not performing well. One way to add revenue is through paid public speaking gigs. It's not an area that works for every entrepreneur, but for those who can overcome their fear, it's a global revenue stream that can add some serious dollars to your bottom line.


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Out Innovate Bigger Competitors Stanford eCorner CEO and Co-Founder Aaron Levie explains how his company decided on competing in the enterprise software-as-a-service market. After a competitive analysis, Box realized their product offering was more innovative than many legacy solutions currently being used by large organizations. Levie also articulates the value of using a business model where the sales team is working with customers already in love with your product.


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Until now, established corporations have made an effort to collaborate with the startup community through incubators, hackathons, and accelerator programs--many of which operate on a mentor-mentee dynamic. But today, corporations and startups can get to know each other on more equal footing through open innovation programs.  

Open innovation programs typically bring together a diverse mix of partners, startups, and non-competing corporations, whose executive and technical teams tend to play a role, to work closely on big tasks, often with huge relevance for society. To use Google's language, moonshots should be welcome.


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The first time I walked into a co-working space, it was an otherworldly experience. Listening to the tour guide show me each and every spot that was available perplexed me.

I asked, “Where do people sit to do work?”

The guide enthusiastically replied, “Anywhere!”

The Rise of Freelancing Co-working spaces were designed to give startups, small business owners, and founders the space to do all the tasks needed in a healthy workplace environment, but without all the formal drag of purchasing a spot within a brick-and-mortar facility. Environments often encourage collaboration. The commonality of entrepreneurship forms a bond, often crisscrossing in today’s fast-paced world.


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Many health systems acknowledge that partnering with digital healthcare startups is a necessary step toward innovation, but if providers do not tend these partnerships carefully, they will not be able to reap their benefits.

At the Becker's Hospital Review 4th Annual Health IT + Revenue Cycle Conference Sept. 21 in Chicago, Rasu Shrestha, MD, chief innovation officer of Pittsburgh-based UPMC, and Santosh Mohan, head of athenahealth's More Disruption Please Labs, shared insights on t how health systems can embrace innovation through effective partnerships with digital health startups.


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Rajiv Talreja

In today’s day and age, this is one of the most important questions to answer if one is an entrepreneur.

While being an ‘entrepreneur’ appears to be a ‘cool’ and glamorous stint, the reality is far from it. Factors such as lack of time, lack of money or even worse, huge debts incurred, are not something one accounts for at the time of kick-starting a venture.

Bearing all of this in mind, following are three mistakes one needs to be aware of as an entrepreneur to ensure a debt-free journey so that it doesn’t end up as ‘Chosen Slavery’.


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Entrepreneurship isn't just about having a great business idea. It's about being the type of person who can bring great business ideas to life.

One of the biggest mistakes entrepreneurs make is in thinking that building a great business just "happens." These founders see business through the lens of rewards, as opposed to approaching each and every step of the journey with focus, determination, and patience. Great things take time to build.


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First-time international graduate enrollments in U.S. institutions fell 3.7 percent from fall 2016 to fall 2017, according to a new report from the Council of Graduate Schools. While the council isn’t certain what caused the drop, it’s hard for it -- or anyone else -- not to think of the Trump administration’s stance on immigration.


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A new infographic by IntiativeOne says effective, inspirational leadership doesn’t have that much to do with personality, age, or genetics. Instead, it says the skills you learn, work on, and grow into are more relevant if you want to inspire others. Titled, “Six Ways Leaders, Inspire Their Teams,” the infographic and the blog says exhibiting certain inspirational traits is more important for leadership than personality.


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John Boitnott

Becoming an entrepreneur, owning your own business, setting your own hours, being the boss … for many of us, it’s a dream come true. At the same time, though, many business owners wake up one day and wonder, “How did I get here? And how can I get out?”

People strongly attracted to the idea of creating and growing a small business of their own one day probably can’t imagine feeling a pervasive need to flee from that business. Some balk at the mere suggestion that sometimes quitting a business might be the right thing to do.


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Governor Phil Murphy plans to auction tax breaks to businesses as part of a plan to double venture-capital investments in New Jersey by 2025.

Returning to campaign theme -- that New Jersey was a technology leader before it lost its way -- the 61-year-old Democrat wants the state to be a national center of innovation. Key to the plan is establishing a $500 million fund fed by bids for corporate tax breaks and matching funds from venture capital. By 2025, he’s shooting for the program to generate $625 million in venture-capital investment in the state.

Image: Phil Murphy Photographer: David Paul Morris/Bloomberg

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See how hot could your city could be in 2100

By the end of the century, without any action to stop climate change, the average temperature in New York City could be like Atlanta today–an increase of 5.4 degrees Celsius or nearly 10 degrees Fahrenheit, more than the average in the middle of the 20th century. San Francisco, by contrast, might warm 3.9 degrees Celsius (7 degrees Fahrenheit). Utquiagvik, Alaska might warm 10.9 degrees Celsius–nearly a whopping 20 degrees Fahrenheit hotter.


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block chain

Blockchain is perhaps one of the biggest buzzwords in both finance and technology today.

Proponents tout it as the technology that will revolutionize the financial services, pointing to its ability to function without a central authority and also store data in a tamper-proof way.

But they also believe it will be beneficial to a variety of industries beyond finance and tech, particularly ones beset by a huge trail of paper records and outdated legacy technology — whether that's healthcare, real estate or law.


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HUNTINGTON BEACH, Calif. – On a gray morning, hundreds of glistening black shells tumble down a chute to the deck of a retired Navy landing craft.

Mussels are peeled off heavy ropes, sorted by size and cleaned before five crewmen, seated around a table, inspect them for cracks or holes. The biggest and best are placed in bags, a bounty of bivalves destined for sale to restaurants and fish markets.


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LANSING, Mich. – September 25, 2018 – With the support of the Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC), early stage entrepreneurial activity continues to thrive across the state. To continue the momentum, the Michigan Strategic Fund, administered by the MEDC, has approved funding for seven statewide programs dedicated to strengthening Michigan’s entrepreneurial ecosystem and creating value in further developing talent and technologies.


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