Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

innovation DAILY

Here we highlight selected innovation related articles from around the world on a daily basis.  These articles related to innovation and funding for innovative companies, and best practices for innovation based economic development.


Israel produces an impressive number of highly successful tech companies for a country with just 9 million people, from social navigation app Waze, which sold to Google in 2013 for $1.15 billion, to autonomous driving company Mobileye, which sold to Intel last year for a whopping $15.3 billion.

Israelis have long lovingly referred to the Middle Eastern country as the "Startup Nation," thanks to the sheer number of entrepreneurs building businesses there, particularly in cities like Tel Aviv.

Image: Harrison Jacobs/Business Insider

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Brockton is a mid-sized Massachusetts city located 25 miles south of Boston, and is a former hub for leading shoe manufacturers. Over the past few decades, the city’s historic neighborhoods struggled from the effects of urban renewal and neglect from long-departed property owners. While Brockton became a focus of state- and locally-led redevelopment efforts, these isolated investments failed to “move the needle”: follow-on investments didn’t occur, and perceptions of the city and its safety continued to decline.


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If you live or work in a big city, it's likely that you have stepped inside one of WeWork's 178 locations, because either that's where your office is or you know someone who works out of one. If you're not familiar with WeWork, its core business is renting out shared office space to clients that range from individuals in need of a desk part time to companies looking for an alternative to a multi-year lease.

Image: WeWork

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The panic following the collapse of Lehman Brothers a decade ago spread quickly and far, even to markets that were less vulnerable to developments in the U.S., such as Australia. That underscored the “global and instantaneous” impact of the crisis, according to Wharton Dean Geoffrey Garrett. Fearing a contagion, central bankers all across the globe responded with bailouts and regulatory reforms.


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"We have given all of our employees, 100%, standing desks. If you can stand for a while, then sit, and so on and so forth, it's much better for your lifestyle," Cook said in a recent interview with The Carlyle Group's David Rubenstein published on Wednesday.

He then encouraged the billionaire financier to stand with him - just like a prominent feature on the Apple Watch.


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Sloan Kettering s Cozy Deal With Start Up Ignites a New Uproar The New York Times

An artificial intelligence start-up founded by three insiders at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center debuted with great fanfare in February, with $25 million in venture capital and the promise that it might one day transform how cancer is diagnosed.

Image: At Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in Manhattan, doctors and staff objected to a for-profit venture that could be lucrative for a few leading researchers and board members.CreditCreditGabriella Angotti-Jones for The New York Times

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SparkLabs Group

SparkLabs Group operates a network of accelerators and venture capital funds, and today it is adding to them with the creation of a new global accelerator program focused on cybersecurity and blockchain-related startups in Washington, D.C.

SparkLabs already operates accelerators in Korea, China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Australia. The group recently launched an energy-focused accelerator in Oman, and it is now expanding into the U.S. for the first time.


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The biotechnology industry in the Boston region, especially Cambridge, is a powerhouse even when compared with the innovation and development seen in the San Francisco Bay Area. These hubs function at a whole different level in biotech compared with other biotech clusters in the U.S. The healthy rivalry between San Francisco and Boston has fostered rapid growth in biotech thanks to their robust populations of small startups, large well-established pharmaceuticals, incubator sites, and large biotech-focused research institutions.


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If I were to tell you that going to work for someone else would make you a better entrepreneur, I’m pretty sure you’d think I’m crazy. The two career routes are, after all, polar opposites.

Or are they?

I used to think so. In fact, after a huge failure as a startup entrepreneur, I was forced to go back to work. And although at the time it felt like my world was falling apart, it actually turned out to be the best life experience I could have asked for, and it got me back on my feet as a much better entrepreneur in the end.


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A few months before the Harvey Weinstein story broke last fall, Silicon Valley had its own reckoning, when numerous VCs were accused of sexual harassment. Cowboy Ventures cofounder Aileen Lee, one of the most prominent female VCs in the Valley, approached women in her network and proposed that they come together to do something. The result was All Raise, a collective of more than 30 VCs that seeks to both mentor and increase the number of women founders and women in venture capital.


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Scott Gottlieb

Good morning and thank you for having me here today.

One of the most critical points on a patient’s journey is the moment of diagnosis.  The moment when you find out what’s wrong.  What the options are.  The uncertainty of the unknown can be the hardest part of a grave diagnosis. And the emotional health that comes with more confidence and more certainty is inextricably linked to physical health and outcomes.


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On June 28, the Senate Appropriations Committee approved a $2 billion funding increase to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) as part of its Fiscal Year (FY) 2019 Department of Labor, Health and Human Services (HHS), Education funding bill. The boost would bring NIH funding to $39.1 billion—a 5.4% increase over FY18 funding levels. The National Cancer Institute (NCI) would receive $6.147 billion in FY19, including $400 million to continue activities for the Biden Cancer Initiative, as authorized to under the 21st Century Cures Act. The bill also provides “sufficient additional funding” to implement the recently passed Childhood Cancer Survivorship, Treatment, Access and Research (STAR) ACT—legislation that ASCO enthusiastically supported.


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TRENTON – Governor Phil Murphy today announced that he has reached out to more than 20 of the world’s leading international research universities to encourage them to create a global footprint in New Jersey.

In a letter to foreign universities across North and South America, Europe, the Middle East, and East Asia, Governor Murphy emphasized his commitment to reclaiming New Jersey’s leadership in the global innovation economy and provided a vision for how a foreign research university could extend its reach while playing an important role in New Jersey’s quest to reclaim its place at the center of the global innovation economy.


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Personality tests are beloved by high school guidance counselors and self-help book authors — but less so by many scientists. There’s controversy among them over whether clear-cut personality types exist at all.

A large new study published in Nature Human Behavior, however, provides evidence for the existence of at least four personality types: average, reserved, self-centered and role model. Each one is based on the extent to which people display five different major character traits, including neuroticism, extraversion, openness, agreeableness and conscientiousness.


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Geoffrey James

An old friend of mine called me earlier today to discuss his new business idea. I spent a couple of hours helping him flesh it out and create an action plan. However, like most would-be entrepreneurs, he had his priorities mixed up.

When most people want to launch their own business, they start by writing a business plan. Unfortunately, business plans are pretty useless in the early stages. You won't know enough to write a meaningful one until after you've launched your business.


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After Hurricane Maria struck Puerto Rico in September 2017, chef José Andrés activated a network of chefs through two groups he’d founded–World Central Kitchen and Chefs for Puerto Rico–to set up mobile kitchens capable of feeding hundreds of thousands of survivors. (He’s continued that work for other disasters, including those impacted by Hurricane Florence in North Carolina.)


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Business leaders in the United States and across the world spend countless hours in the boardrooms of major research universities. For many institutions and trustees, those meetings have become more challenging due to some well-documented threats. Rapidly rising tuition, shifting demographics, the growing popularity of online learning, pressure on research funding, volatile endowment earnings, and parental and graduate dissatisfaction with employment opportunities: all are trends that pose significant risks for university departments, colleges, and central administrations.


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They say you can’t teach old dogs new tricks, but new research shows you can teach an old rat new sounds, even if the lesson doesn’t stick very long.

Researchers at the Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital (The Neuro) of McGill University examined the effects of aging on neuroplasticity in the primary auditory cortex, the part of the brain that processes auditory information. Neuroplasticity refers to the brain’s ability to modify its connections and function in response to environmental demands, an important process in learning.


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In big business, as well as startups, I have found that your effectiveness can be highly correlated to your ability to build and maintain people relationships, often more so than hard work, or how many hours you give. But all relationships are not the same, and your ability to distinguish between positive and negative, or casual versus committed, can make or break your future.


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