Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

innovation DAILY

Here we highlight selected innovation related articles from around the world on a daily basis.  These articles related to innovation and funding for innovative companies, and best practices for innovation based economic development.


Innovation must become your business routine and corporate culture to renew creative energy. Digital innovation has a broader spectrum and the hybrid nature. It comes in the variety of flavors and there are many opportunities in an enterprise to taste it. The companies who get the most from innovation effort have the right ambition, open leadership, and culture quintessential.

The purpose of innovation categorization and differentiation is not about separating and siloing these management disciplines, but about how to best link them together – across focusing on core activities to develop innovation competency and manage a healthy innovation portfolio in a structural way.


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"My Wife and My Mother-in-Law" is one of the most well-known optical illusions in the world.

It hinges on facial perception: You can either see a young woman turning away or the profile of an older woman staring solemnly towards the left side of the drawing. However, you can only see one at a time.

Image: Here's a hint: The young woman's necklace is the old woman's mouth.Wikimedia Commons

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dinner table

Sitting down to a meal to talk business, like drinking while negotiating, is common practice around the world. There is probably not a single executive or public official who has never negotiated over a meal. Because eating is such a salient part of our lives, we need to look at how food can influence negotiation.

Researchers have recently started to examine the act of eating together while negotiating and its impact on the final deal.


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The unfortunate reality is that a lot of businesses fail. What differentiates those that fail from those that become raging successes?

Certain traits and habits help business owners beat the odds and build highly successful companies. Here’s a look at the top 10:

1. They dream big.

Successful business owners are dreamers. “Business owners often create something out of nothing,” says Anita Campbell, founder and chief executive of, an online community for business owners.


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Dileep Rao

Will the VCs say NO? VCs say no about 99 times more often than they say yes since VCs fund only about one of 100 business plans they get. It’s also important to note that VCs don’t read a business plan just because you send it to them.

The reality is that VCs fund about 0.1 percent to about 0.2 percent of America’s startups, and the proportion does not get much better as the venture ages. Steve Jobs was rejected by about 12 VCs, and Google was rejected by an even larger number. Howard Schultz faced over 200 rejections when he sought financing to buy and build Starbucks.


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Another year, another list of the Top U.S. Cities for Global Trade. If there’s one thing that strikes us about this list over the past couple of years is that the reach of the global economy has not just stretched to other shores but into virtually every city in the United States, no matter the size.


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It's hard to keep up with what diets are supposedly good for you. Research has shown, time and again, that a plant-based diet is best for your body and brain. But studies that zero in on certain foods are constantly being published.

For example, a new study published in the Journal of Internal Medicine has found that an "anti-inflammatory" diet is associated with a lower risk of dying early.


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Tour of Johnson and Johnson s startup incubator JLabs NYC Business Insider

Johnson & Johnson Innovation's Manhattan outpost of its startup incubator, JLabs, is the new kid on the NYC-health-tech block.

First opened in June, JLabs host startups looking for a space to grow their businesses — whether that be developing drugs, coming up with new medical devices, or applying new technology to the world of healthcare. In addition to NYC, there are JLabs in San Diego, San Francisco, Toronto, Houston, Boston and Belgium as well as another planned in Shanghai.


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Entrepreneurship—and the creative ingenuity often associated with it—is critical to regional economies. Yet, America’s startup rate has been in long-term decline, and pockets of business dynamism remain limited to a small group of geographic areas. Dynamic economies demonstrate the business “churn”—where firms are both being created and destroyed—necessary to yield creative destruction. Young firms are critical in this process, which is why in recent years economists have been closely watching trends related to new business starts, high-growth businesses, and venture capital investment.


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“The most succinct way I can describe it is: I have noticed that men receive what I call a ‘presumption of competence’ that women don’t get.”

That’s what one female founder told us in a survey of 279 women entrepreneurs conducted by Fast Company and Inc. We asked founders about their businesses, employee demographics, fundraising efforts—even their political leanings. Funding, in particular, was a source of frustration for many women, which comes as little surprise: In 2017, just over 2% of venture capital funding went to companies founded by only women. (Founding teams with both men and women received about 12% of the $85 billion raised overall.)


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SpaceX Plans to Fly Humans Around the Moon in 2023 Scientific American

A Japanese billionaire and a coterie of artists will visit the moon as early as 2023, becoming the first private citizens ever to fly beyond low Earth orbit, SpaceX CEO Elon Musk announced tonight. 

Yusaku Maezawa, the founder of Japanese e-commerce giant Zozo, has signed up to fly a round-the-moon mission aboard SpaceX’s BFR spaceship-rocket combo, he and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk announced during a webcast tonight (Sept. 17) from the company’s rocket factory in Hawthorne, California.

Image: An artist’s rendering of SpaceX’s Big Falcon Rocket, which once fully operational could carry crew and cargo into deep space. Credit: SpaceX

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Arthur Herman

America is in a race for high-tech supremacy with China. The question is, whether we will have enough future engineers and scientists to secure our lead in that race; or whether, for the first time, leadership in advanced technologies will pass to a leading geopolitical and economic competitor.

The issue isn’t whether our colleges and universities are training students and Ph.D’s in computer science and engineering and the physical sciences.


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Entrepreneurs are made, not born. Entrepreneurship requires all-encompassing skills and abilities that other occupations do not even touch upon. Engineers draft plans for a new project, then pass the designs to others who will make it a reality. But for an entrepreneur, it’s different. Every aspect of a new venture lies in the hands of the entrepreneur. They need to know everything about the business and take the role as a visionary, project manager, salesperson and more. 


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Starting any fast-growing business is difficult. Starting one while female, as the flood of headlines about sexism and VC funding shortfalls illustrates, can seem nearly impossible. To fully understand the female entrepreneurial experience in 2018, Inc. and our sister publication Fast Company asked women who have started all kinds of companies just how they do it. It turns out, the 279 respondents of our first State of Women and Entrepreneurship survey have faced virtually every challenge. But one thing is clear: Nothing is going to get in the way of their ambition.


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Animated Map 2 400 Years of European History

The history of Europe is breathtakingly complex. While there are rare exceptions like Andorra and Portugal, which have had remarkably static borders for hundreds of years, jurisdiction over portions of the continent’s landmass has changed hands innumerable times.

Today’s video comes to us from YouTube channel Cottereau, and it provides an informative overview of European history starting from 400 BC. Empires rise and fall, invasions sweep across the continent, and the borders of modern countries slowly begin to take shape (with the added bonus of an extremely dramatic instrumental).


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