Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

innovation DAILY

Here we highlight selected innovation related articles from around the world on a daily basis.  These articles related to innovation and funding for innovative companies, and best practices for innovation based economic development.

Surrendering to Rising Seas Scientific American

MONIQUE COLEMAN’S BASEMENT was still wet with saltwater when the rallying began. Just days after Superstorm Sandy churned into the mid-Atlantic region, pushing a record-breaking surge into the country’s most densely populated corridor, the governor of New Jersey promised to put the sand back on the beaches.

The “build it back stronger” sentiment never resonated with Coleman, who lived not on the state’s iconic barrier islands but in a suburban tidal floodplain bisected by 12 lanes of interstate highway.

Image: On New Jersey's Delaware Bay, the remains of a house await demolition. The land will be converted into open space. Credit: Grant Delin

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It typically costs less to own a home than to rent one in most cities. So if homeownership is out of reach for you — or just doesn’t appeal to you — you can still find affordable options.

However, the potential financial benefits of renting are greatly diminished if you’re overpaying for rent. That’s why it’s important to compare the average U.S. rent to rent prices in your area. Fortunately, GOBankingRates did the research for you.


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A common request I hear from aspiring entrepreneurs is for an assessment of their latest idea. I don’t even try to assess things at the idea level, since I can’t read minds. I can assess execution plans, if you have any. Yet I believe that business success is more a function of the person than the idea or the plan, so the best idea is one that is a best fit for you, and only you can assess that.


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YEC Logo

As a growing startup, it's wise to accept help and advice from others who have been in your shoes. One way to surround yourself with these experts is to create a formal advisory board for your business. But there are a lot of considerations to make before you select your advisors -- and then there's the challenge of convincing them to make the commitment.


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Best Places to Live in America MONEY Magazine 2018 Ranking Money

As millennials age, it’s not a question of whether they will settle down. It’s a question of where.

After all, the generation long chided as eternal renters is finally buying houses of its own. Of all the homebuyers in the U.S., more than a third were millennials in 2017, according to a study by the National Association of Realtors (NAR).

But they aren’t buying in the cities they’ve called home for over a decade. While millennials still prefer to rent in urban centers, those who want to own a home are packing their bags and moving — largely to the suburbs — when the time comes, according to an NAR report.

Image: A couple strolls through downtown Rogers, Ark. Courtesy of the Rogers-Lowell Area Chamber of Commerce

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capitol building

Adding to the many new patent bills introduced in the House of Representatives over the summer and covered in this space, Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) has put forward a measure of his own designed to bolster the rights of inventors who maintain ownership over their patents.

Every patent names a distinct inventor or group of inventors, but the rights to the vast majority of US patents are assigned by those inventors to their employers (often large corporations) or other entities. But HR 6557, the Inventor Protection Act (IPA), expressly recognizes and offers special treatment for “inventor-owned patents,” which the legislation defines as patents “held entirely by the inventor of the claimed invention.”


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Bernie Carlson

Sometimes an accident and a shortcut can add up to a hit product.

In 1952, Don Stookey, a chemist at the Corning Incorporated, was experimenting with a new glass formula.  To test it, he put a sample in an annealing oven.  However, the oven’s controls failed and the temperature soared to 900°C.  Thinking he had wrecked the oven, he rushed to pull the sample out but it fell on the floor; rather than shatter, the sample landed without shattering.  Stookey had discovered a new class of materials–pyrocerams–but what could Corning do with Pyroceram?


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We all want to love where we work -- and want our employees to be as excited to be there as we are. But not every entrepreneur knows how to make their workplace enjoyable -- and investing in a Ping-Pong table doesn't always get the job done.

It comes down to having a strong culture -- one where we are inspired to be better, are motivated by the company’s mission and feel empowered by our leaders.

Image: Image credit: Entrepreneur Media

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David Levine

When the Danish insulation company Rockwool announced its plan to construct a factory that will continually spew tons of toxic emissions across the lush, historic Shenandoah Valley, the residents of Jefferson County, WV and Loudoun County, VA were taken by surprise. The vocal rejection of the introduction of heavy industry into the landscape is mostly due to the demographics and economy of the proposed site, which is located within the Washington DC Greater Metropolitan Area.  


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The recent Shell Energy Entrepreneurship Conference 2018, held at the Shell Technology Centre in Bengaluru, featured a range of experts speaking on the challenges and opportunities in the energy sector in India.

Karnataka State Social Welfare Minister Priyank Kharge reaffirmed the state’s commitment to entrepreneurship, particularly in the social sector, via grants for innovators. Demos were presented by five startups who graduated from the Shell E4 Hub: Detect Technologies, IoTrek, ION Energy, Trashcon and Ossus Bio.


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The National Venture Capital Association (NVCA) is supporting a measure containing a provision the organization said protects the net operating losses (NOLs) of startups.

NVCA officials said H.R. 6756, also known as the American Innovation Act of 2018 and sponsored by House Ways and Means Tax Policy Subcommittee Chairman Vern Buchanan (R-FL) earlier this month, includes a section allowing startups to carry forward their losses and R&D tax credits accrued in the company’s first three years of existence, without regard to Section 382 of the tax code.


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SINGAPORE - To groom future innovators with a global view, a new academy has been set up to send Singapore students abroad for internships at start-ups or companies that undertake entrepreneurship and innovation.

Finance Minister Heng Swee Keat announced this at the opening of this year's Singapore Week of Innovation and Technology (Switch) on Monday (Sept 17).

Image: Finance Minister Heng Swee Keat announced the creation of a new academy that sends Singapore interns abroad, during the Singapore Week of Innovation and Technology.ST PHOTO: GAVIN FOO

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Venture Capital Investment Market report is to help the user understand the market in terms of its classification, segmentation, market potential, influential trends, and the challenges that the industry is facing. Deep researches and analysis were done during the preparation of the Venture Capital Investment Market report. 

The Venture Capital Investment market provide points that are discussed within the report are the major market players that are involved in the market such as manufacturers, raw material suppliers, equipment suppliers, end users, traders, distributors and etc.


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“I don’t quite know what to do next,” said Simon, a media CEO. Simon had been a chief executive for 15 years, and CFO before he was 30. He had turned around private and public companies, quadrupled profits and quintupled revenue. But, with his company recently sold, Simon was considering retirement. Like many CEOs, he had had no time to plan his retirement — all his focus had been on running the company.


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Everyone knows leaders should delegate to ensure that they are working on the right projects and deliverables.  But if you find yourself frequently miscommunicating with your team on deliverables, hearing about issues at the last minute, and misunderstanding how your team set their priorities, it may be a sign you’ve delegated too much, leaving their employees to feel abandoned and unmotivated. At that point, it’s important to take back responsibility for certain tasks to insure you’re providing your team the guidance and structure they need. Here are three steps you can take.


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This Map Shows the States Where Millennials Can Afford Homes Money

Still think millennials can’t buy homes? You might just be looking in the wrong places.

After all, those under the age of 38 now make up the largest share of all home buyers, according to the National Association of Realtors. And, although millennials prefer to live in cities, data show it pays when they look outside of the nation’s pricey urban centers when it’s time to settle down.


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In a series titled "The Death of Suburbia," Business Insider previously explored the declining state of American suburbs. Reporters found millennials are doing everything they can to avoid suburban life, like living on a boat, to be closer to their jobs in big cities, and that over 800 golf courses, a suburban staple, have shuttered in a decade.

But with the rising cost of living in big cities, suburbs are still a popular place for families to settle down, according to Pew Research Center.


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Jeff Bezos

In his 2018 annual letter, Amazon founder and CEO Jeff Bezos repeated his rule that PowerPoint is banned in executive meetings. What Bezos replaced it with provides even more valuable insight for entrepreneurs and leaders.

In his letter, and in a recent discussion at the Forum on Leadership at the Bush Center, Bezos revealed that "narrative structure" is more effective than PowerPoint. According to Bezos, new executives are in for a culture shock in their first Amazon meetings. Instead of reading bullet points on a PowerPoint slide, everyone sits silently for about 30 minutes to read a "six-page memo that's narratively structured with real sentences, topic sentences, verbs, and nouns."


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Hurricane Florence Floating homes to withstand Category 4 hurricanes

As Hurricane Florence makes it way across the Carolinas, millions of coastal residents have reason to be concerned about the structural integrity of their homes. Already, nearly 300,000 homes and businesses have lost power, and officials are reporting damage to property in Onslow County, North Carolina.

When Hurricane Harvey swept Texas last September, it damaged more than 204,000 homes and apartment buildings. Around the same time, Hurricane Irma destroyed a quarter of the homes in the Florida Keys, according to federal officials.


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