Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

innovation DAILY

Here we highlight selected innovation related articles from around the world on a daily basis.  These articles related to innovation and funding for innovative companies, and best practices for innovation based economic development.

old man

Studies suggest that feeling younger may actually help you live to be older. Now, new research points to a way to keep that youthful state of mind, at least for elderly adults: feel in control.

“On days when you felt above your average control perceptions — you felt more controlled for you — you tended to feel younger,” says Jennifer Bellingtier, a postdoctoral psychology researcher at Friedrich Schiller University in Germany, of her findings, which she presented her research at the recent annual American Psychological Association (APA) convention (and which have not been published in a scientific journal).


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You’ve no doubt heard a million times that you should exercise. But how many people have suggested that you become more mentally fit?

I’m not just talking about doing a crossword puzzle to combat dementia -- I’m talking about becoming mentally strong. When you do, you’ll be better equipped to regulate your thoughts, manage your emotions and boost your productivity.


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NBA star Andre Iguodala is turning more players into tech investors

Long known as one of basketball’s smartest players, and savviest technology investors, Golden State Warriors guard Andre Iguodala is pioneering a new kind of assist–bringing his brotherhood of teammates and fellow athletes along as part of syndicates investing tech companies.

Image: Andre Iguodala, of the Golden State Warriors, speaks during a Bloomberg Technology television interview at The Players Technology Summit in San Francisco, California, U.S., on Tuesday, Aug. 14, 2018.

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For early-stage startups seeking capital, an investment from an angel investor can make all the difference when getting your company off the ground.

While both angel investors and venture capitalists often invest in early-stage companies, angel investors give from their own money, often in smaller amounts. Early-stage entrepreneurs often recommend seeking out these personal investments because they come with different expectations than venture funds, which typically expect to see return in 10 years or less.

Image: Business Insider/Samantha Lee

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alarm clock

One of the most important traits of being an entrepreneur is being able to take quick decisions that more often than not, decide the fate of your company. At the helm of the company, entrepreneurs often have to take that one decision at the right time which can define the future of their company. And then they also have to quickly act upon their decisions.


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YEC Logo

Being an entrepreneur comes with many benefits, but it can also take a toll on your health. The long hours, the constant decision making and the need to always think about the bottom line can be exhausting even for the most energetic person. Sometimes a lifestyle change is needed in order to ensure that your business does not succeed at the expense of your health.


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1. "If you can dream it, you can do it." - Walt Disney

2. "Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, and magic and power in it. Begin it now." - Goethe

3. "The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it." - Michelangelo


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WTC logo

The Wisconsin Technology Council is recommending a host of policy changes in this year’s white papers report, including a new tax credit to incent employers to invest in their own workers.

Some previous recommendations have recently been passed into law, including the expansion of the state’s investment tax credits law and the elimination of a fee on capital raised by certain early-stage companies.


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Contrary to popular opinion, viral marketing has not eliminated the need for old-fashioned lead generation to bring customers to a startup. Indeed, while the rules and technologies for lead generation have changed, Forrester and other experts still see it as the most effective way for businesses with limited budgets to maximize their return on marketing investment (ROMI).


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salt lake city

If you are a young entrepreneur looking to make your way in the business world, where you establish your company can go a long way in determining your long-term success. And if you’re in search of the best location, a new study from LendingTree has listed the top 10 cities in the US with the youngest business founders to give you some ideas — most of which might not even be on your radar.


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Open plan offices are bad for getting things done. They’re noisy and distractive, and employees can find it hard to focus. The idea that they promoted collaboration was recently debunked by Harvard University researchers, who found they do exactly the opposite. In their study, participants who were changed to an open plan office spent 72% less time interacting face-to-face and they sent 56% more emails and 67% more instant messages.


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Stephen Wolfram is an expert in computer languages. And he has an interesting theory on how we may discover that what we learn from computer and artificial intelligence, could ultimately help us communicate with intelligent alien life. The following is a transcript of the video.


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Malcolm Gladwell may have one of the strongest brands in media, but he never applies the word to himself. “I contradict myself a lot,” says the best-selling author and New Yorker staff writer, whose books include The Tipping Point and Blink. “How can I represent something as well-defined as a brand if I’m constantly changing my mind?” Instead, he counsels creatives to think of themselves as ever-adaptable -- open to opportunities wherever they come. That’s why, for example, he got into podcasting. It was on a lark, but now, three seasons later, his show Revisionist History is a consistent chart-topper. (Each episode is about “the overlooked and misunderstood,” and is produced by the podcast company Panoply.) Here, he talks about his approach to productivity, his own evolution and why entrepreneurs need to balance ideas with execution.

Image: Image credit: Panoply Media


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For a while there, it seemed like "Uber for X" was the only pitch that mattered.

To many, the rapid rise of Uber wasn't just a major tech success story — it signaled a wholesale change that was coming to how people thought of work. Traditional jobs, the thinking went, would soon become less and less common, with predictable, inefficient employment getting replaced by the flexibility of independent contract work. The "gig economy" was underway, and it was unstoppable.


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Jeff bezos

America has been considered for a long time the place to be if you want to be wealthy, to live the American dream. If you are someone who is looking to make it big, then one of the best ways to do so is to follow the example of someone who actually did just that. Thousands if not millions of individuals have made it big, some from far away and others born in the U.S. In this newsletter you will see the top 10 and how they made their fortune.


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Think Big Anyway! That’s what Innovation Excellence contributor Robert B. Tucker advised students when he delivered the commencement address at the University of California, Davis. Given the exponential rate of change and the inability to predict where technology (and their careers) will evolve to, Tucker challenged this group of 500 PhD candidates and innovators to “Think Big, Anyway,” despite the uncertainty. Robert explored three “success ingredients,” which he called the 3’Cs, for those just starting out in their careers: the necessity to Embrace Change; the importance of Unleashing Creativity; and the need muster the Courage to “create the life you really want to live.”


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The profound changes in the way we live are already being altered each day digital technology expands into the mainstream. The fundamental movements in our daily lives are increasingly being integrated into the ubiquitous connectivity to almost everything. Digitization is both here and now, a life-altering digital revolution led by technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), Big Data, Smart Apps, Cloud Computing, Artificial Intelligence (AI), that are rapidly piquing the curiosity of the young generation.

Image: nnovation hubs such as Sharjah RTI Park can link academia and new technology with business and industry-focused R&D efforts, says Al Mahmoudi.

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Jeffrey Tucker

The big news in cryptoland in 2017 was the rise of the Initial Coin Offering. The knowledge that something like this could be possible dates back to the early years of Bitcoin, but the dawning of the reality was quite awesome to behold.

Anyone with an entrepreneurial idea could float a token and invite people to invest. The investment vehicle was not a broker or bank but a distributed platform that connect buyers and sellers.


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Between the stunning outcomes of the World Series and the presidential election it’s clear that thinking in terms of winners and losers is pretty much ingrained in our collective psyche. We love the black and white label of winner and loser; it’s easy, quick, and final.

Or is it?

What if the difference between winning and losing was simply a matter of where YOU drew the finish line. That’s especially true for those of us who want to be innovators, a journey that is littered with obstacles determined to derail and deter us.


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