Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

innovation DAILY

Here we highlight selected innovation related articles from around the world on a daily basis.  These articles related to innovation and funding for innovative companies, and best practices for innovation based economic development.


Women make up a mere quarter of emergency doctors in the U.S., according to data from the American Medical Association. This statistic does not signal well to gender equality in medicine or young women considering the specialty—and it may have even darker implications for patients. A new study suggests female heart attack patients may be at a higher risk of mortality in the emergency room if they see a male physician rather than a female one, giving greater urgency to diversity initiatives in medicine.


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Warren Buffett

Billionaire Warren Buffett is known as one of the richest investors in the world, with a net worth that seems to grow by the day. But the “Oracle of Omaha” wasn’t always as filthy rich as he is today. In fact, about 99.7 percent of his immense wealth was earned after his 52th birthday.


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When crisis he business is struggling, most business owners I know feel like anything but a leader. They start second-guessing their own vision, and are prone to making snap decisions suggested by someone else, in lieu of their carefully crafted processes and metrics. Entrepreneurs who can keep their cool under fire are the long-term winners I look for as an experienced angel investor.


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space shuttle launch

Global accelerators are fueling entrepreneurs and startups with supportive ecosystems and plenty of fresh funding.  These programs provide mentorship and capital in return for equity. This is put in place to help a start-up grow over a three to four month period.

Besides the investment, accelerators typically offer their startups free office space, business and management consulting, feedback on the product, and access to investors in the form of a demo day.


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person at computer

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but to help you avoid wasting your life savings on a Kickstarter campaign, know this: Most campaigns fail. That's right.

There are currently thousands of crowdfunding campaigns in motion, but only a few will raise the amounts needed to achieve their goals. So before you quit your day job, let's discover what makes these campaigns successful. How do they do it? Is it luck? A scheme?


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Americans come from all over the world, and have countless stories about where they and their families come from.

The US Census Bureau's American Community Survey asks millions of Americans every year several questions about their economic, social, and demographic situations. One of those questions asks respondents to report their families' ancestries, from Italian to German to Mexican.

Image: Self-reported ancestries in America include Italian, German, and Mexican heritage. - David Zalubowski/AP 

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Open Data is the idea that data, particularly data collected by local, state and federal governments, should be made freely available for people to use and republish without any control or copyright restrictions. In the US, cities like Austin and San Francisco have been leaders in making data accessible.

Bart Gorynski, Managing Director of bee smart city program, said that “In smart cities, open data represents a powerful tool to facilitate open innovation and to foster urban innovation. As a result, the use of open data strengthens the ecosystem of smart city solutions”.


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President Donald Trump has prioritized revitalizing the American job market -- and in many ways, he hGary Shapiroas succeeded. The July jobs report revealed that unemployment was at 3.9 percent, continuing a nearly two-decade low, and every month of his presidency has seen job growth. But his push to eliminate the International Entrepreneur Rule (IER) runs counter to his efforts to promote economic growth.


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John Rampton

It requires some luck to become a successful entrepreneur. But it also takes more than pure luck to hit it big: There's a reason the top founders are as successful as they are. Even with fame and fortune, it takes much more to successfully start and maintain a business.

Those who have formed multiple companies or helped create the highest-impact and most profitable businesses have been successful because of the traits and habits they intentionally cultivated.


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Entrepreneurs come in all shapes and sizes, but new research suggests that middle-aged ones are more successful.

Contradicting the popular image of tech-savvy whizz kids launching new empires from college dorms, the data suggests there are more successful US business founders in their forties than any other age group.


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There is no shortage of advice for those who aspire to be effective leaders. One piece of advice may be particularly enticing: if you want to be a successful leader, ensure that you are seen as a leader and not a follower. To do this, goes the usual advice, you should seek out opportunities to lead, adopt behaviors that people associate with leaders rather than followers (e.g., dominance and confidence), and — above all else — show your exceptionalism relative to your peers.


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It’s hard to believe I have been running a business for 22 years. My business has taught me more than I ever imagined. Some of the biggest lessons I’ve learned center around money, which is an area where women struggle in different ways from men when it comes running and growing their businesses. Here are three of the most poignant lessons I’ve learned.


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Angela Graham, President and CEO of Quality Biological, Inc. (QBI), joins BioTalk host Rich Bendis to discuss growing a business in the Life Sciences Community, her involvement in the BHCR, and recruiting top talent in this region. Angela Graham, President and CEO of Quality Biological, Inc. (QBI), joins BioTalk host Rich Bendis to discuss growing a business in the Life Sciences Community, her involvement in the BHCR, and recruiting top talent in this region.


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We recently had the opportunity to ask a large group of supervisory board members the following question: “If there is a trade-off between hitting this year’s targets and managing the company’s long-term health, which would you like your executives to choose?” About 86 percent of the audience said they would rather executives prioritise the company’s long-term health, in other words, value.


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Theodore Kinni

If you occupy the heights of the business world, staying grounded can be a challenge. The longer you reside atop a corporate Mount Olympus, the less connected you may become to the mundane world of work occupied by the rest of us and, perhaps more dangerously, the customers who pay the bills.


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Why the government needs to invest more in Australian innovation or perish SmartCompany

Last week’s AFR Innovation Summit raised a number of challenges Australia is facing. These challenges remained without solutions.

Conflicting views seemed to run counter to what the long-term view should be: how Australia plans for future prosperity, what we need to do today to ensure that we will have jobs tomorrow, defining a positive role for AI, and supporting innovation in software and technology.


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The next generation of healthtech entrepreneurs is developing unique and innovative products, designed to make a difference to the healthcare industry. To help them get their ideas off the ground HCF Catalyst, a health tech accelerator program, is helping start-ups and scale-ups transform their health and wellness ideas into investment-ready businesses. We meet three of the finalists from this year’s program.


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When police investigators tried to figure out what caused a multi-vehicle crash that killed an elderly woman in Morton, Illinois, last month, they looked to the sky for help.

Like a growing number of police agencies throughout the country, the sheriff’s office in Tazewell County relied on a drone to quickly take photographs of the scene from on high to help investigators reconstruct the crash.

Image: Maine State Police Sgt. Darren Foster, standing outside police headquarters in Augusta in September, discusses how drones take photographs that help investigators reconstruct crash scenes. It is one of a growing number of agencies using drones to map crashes, allowing police to clear the scene more quickly. - Joe Phelan/Kennebec Journal

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