Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

innovation DAILY

Here we highlight selected innovation related articles from around the world on a daily basis.  These articles related to innovation and funding for innovative companies, and best practices for innovation based economic development.

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Strike it rich in T2 knowledge and expand your reservoir of tools by joining us in Oklahoma City for the 2018 joint meeting fo the FLC Mid-Continent and Far West Regions. Take stock in the T2 landscape by learning the role technology transfer has played in the economic and technology development of America's heartland. Meet hand-picked small businesses interested in new technologies and expertise from federal laboratories. 


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BENTONVILLE, Ark.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--With innovation as a linchpin to growth in today’s economy, the Walton Family Foundation released new rankings of the Heartland states’ participation and preparedness in the innovation economy. Of the 19 Heartland States, Minnesota ranked highest in the measurement, whereas Arkansas ranked last.

“Innovation is the connective tissue needed to economically compete and thrive at the local and state levels,” said Ross DeVol, lead researcher and a Fellow at the Walton Family Foundation. “Our research shows that technology and innovation is absolutely necessary for communities to thrive and have outlined strengths and weaknesses as well as mapped out ways to close the economic gap between the Heartland and the coastal states.


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With four days left to apply for Global Game Changers 2018 – we’re calling on all innovators tackling the UN Global Goals to apply.

The cross-sector awards event launched in 2017 by Innovators Magazine and Newsquest Media returns this year with a ceremony at Glasgow’s Grand Central Hotel on 12 September. Biotechs performed well first time around. Joanna Dupont-Inglis, Deputy Secretary General, EuropaBio, is on the judging panel and we’ve been asking if the industry can repeat its success again.


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What excessive stress looks like and what you can do about it.

“To be totally without stress is to be dead.” – Hans Selye

A certain amount of stress is needed for us to function effectively. Stress is very much a part of the human condition. We all face disappointments, setbacks, losses and pain. But to live a rich and meaningful life, we must learn to deal in a constructive way with life's challenges.


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Some people are taught about money when they are quite young. However, the statistics show that financial illiteracy in the U.S. is a pandemic problem. Because the general public isn’t knowledgeable about seemingly simple concepts as compound interest, it is no wonder 75% of Americans would struggle to gather $1,000 in case of an emergency. According to a study from the National Endowment for Financial Education, only 24% of millennials demonstrate basic financial literacy . Funny enough, 69% of participants in the same study gave themselves a “high” self-assessment of financial knowledge.

Image: Tina Hay, CEO and Founder of Napkin FinanceA SHAK

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Aspiring entrepreneurs who worry about the risk of financial loss if they fail should set milestones to measure progress against, advises Sandy Jen, co-founder of senior-care startup Honor. An overall timeline for a new venture can serve as a boundary on how much of your resources you invest — though, the only way to know if a product or service will succeed is to build it and see if people want it, Jen says.


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Designer Steve Vassallo recalls when he realized that elegant minimalism makes a product more valuable. He describes how he pulled out of a project to design an online platform because stakeholders had endless ambitions and requests for more features. “Trying to be everything to everyone ends in being nothing to anyone,” says Vassallo, a general partner at Foundation Capital.


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NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--The Citi Foundation and Living Cities today announced the expansion of the City Accelerator program to five additional U.S. cities – Atlanta, El Paso, Long Beach, Newark, and Rochester. The five cities will work together over the next year to pursue a range of projects to support the growth of local minority-owned businesses and the creation of additional jobs in their communities. Local initiatives range from ensuring minority-owned businesses are integrated into the commercial development of the 31-acre Pittsburgh Yards site in Atlanta to expanding small business services through the network of local libraries in El Paso.


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Close proximity to a host research university — check. Sustainably designed and preferably LEED-certified buildings — check. A state-of-the-art telecom infrastructure — check. An office of commercialization — check. These used to define a cutting-edge and competitive research park. Not anymore. Today's "A list" parks, or districts, look more like towns, complete with transit, lodging, residential and retail. Besides those, the University of Maryland's Discovery District in College Park will soon have coworking space, thanks to a recent partnership among the university, global coworking provider WeWork and Chesapeake Realty Partners. 

Image: Ken Ulman, UMD’s chief strategy officer for economic development Photo courtesy of University of Maryland

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Sustainable weight loss. Protection from diabetes, heart disease and cancer. Improved brain health. Enhanced physical fitness and strength. It seems like every week, researchers turn up some new and profound benefit associated with intermittent fasting: eating schedules that incorporate regular periods of low or no food consumption.


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Anna Powers

The rise of innovation heralds change because by nature innovation is change. The dictionary defines innovation as 'something new, whether a product or an idea.' Although newness is exciting it can also be scary because when something is new it may not be understood fully by society. Thus, due to the fact that innovation brings about change, it also indicates that eradicates certain things, for example, jobs that are no longer in alignment with the technological advances.


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Jay Sullivan

Sports is all about competition. This makes it even more striking that the most frequently used word at today’s Innovation Showcase hosted by Major League Soccer and R/GA Ventures has been “partnership.” All this week, Atlanta has been taken over by the MLS All-Star Game, which will be played tomorrow at Mercedes-Benz Stadium.


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Deep Patel

Unstoppable people are like warriors. They are always ready to take on the world. They are guided by a light from within, full of boundless energy and unwavering in their goals. They have learned to activate their natural talents and develop the skills necessary to achieve whatever they aim for.


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Thinking about your future can be overwhelming. As children, we are regularly prompted by parents, teachers and mentors to dream, set goals, and systematically take the steps to get us closer to those goals. After you complete your formal education, reminders are infrequent and incomplete:


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From New York City to Dubai, cities across the globe are racing to exemplify the best model of what it means to be smart. Using significant capital investment, public-private-partnerships (P3s), and new internal innovation-focused positions – the fascination with becoming a smart city is at an all time high.  The desire to be a smart city is actually not a new concept – the information and communication technology (ICT) approach to cities began in the early 1970s in Los Angeles and continued to increase in focus as technology has become increasingly democratized. The early days of the U.S.-focused smart cities movement has been dominated by shiny application or hardware, rather than stories of lasting sustainable change. Now that some maturing of the movement has occurred, it’s time that we move beyond the hype, recognize the more deliberate champions and outline a few meaningful steps to becoming smarter.


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Not for the first time, the future of Canada’s economy stands at a crossroads. Economically, we continue to punch above our weight, in large part thanks to our wealth of natural resources. Fortunately, we are diversifying our economy so that we can thrive long-term, and the world is taking notice.

We want to continue with our success, and we understand that to do so we need to double down on the knowledge economy through a combination of strategic investments and collaborations.


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birds of a feather

To understand Silicon Valley’s diversity problem, simply follow the money.

Over 80% of venture capitalists in the US are men and 70% are white according to an analysis of roughly 1,500 VCs from from Richard Kerby, a partner at Equal Ventures. But perhaps more surprising than the lack of racial or gender diversity is the fact that 40% of VCs surveyed went to either Harvard or Stanford.


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