Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

innovation DAILY

Here we highlight selected innovation related articles from around the world on a daily basis.  These articles related to innovation and funding for innovative companies, and best practices for innovation based economic development.


That it is time for scientists to move out of their ivory tower is sometimes seen as a reductive call to action. Yet as the topic of science communication emerges as a focal point of discussion for what science needs to do to connect with society, there is a concomitantly growing murmur that academia needs systemic incentives to support such behaviour. Initiatives from the top down that can support scientists beyond mere lip service.


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Modern birds have very short incubation times compared to dinosaurs, and this evolutionary innovation gave them an advantage over dinosaurs -- but it came at the expense of teeth

Image: Bryancalabro via a Creative Commons license Hungry robin nestlings.

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This Map Shows Commute Times In Every State Money

Americans associate city living with convenience. But when it comes to commuting the opposite is true.

According to census data, workers in the nation’s most urban states — particularly up and down the densely populated Northeast corridor — face some of the longest commutes in the nation. In some cases, their daily treks are nearly twice as long as workers in the most rural U.S. areas.


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WASHINGTON — The average office worker sends about 40 work emails a day and receives about 120. The way we end those emails sends a message, and it’s not always a good one.

The University of Maryland’s Robert H. Smith School of Business says if you’ve crafted a professional email that is concise and articulate, and intended to be persuasive, don’t blow it in those final, parting words, ending with a signoff that is also a turnoff.


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Microaggressions are unconscious expressions of racism or sexism. They come out in seemingly innocuous comments by people who might be well-intentioned.

From telling a new female worker that she "looks like a student" to asking a black colleague about her natural hair, microaggressions often exist in the workplace, too. And they can make a workplace feel unsafe and toxic.

Image: Think before you speak.Francisco Osorio/Flickr

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Thailand has become one of the largest dumpsites for electronic waste from developed countries since China’s January ban on the import of plastic waste. EURACTIV’s partner Le Journal de l’environnement reports.

A plant located south of Bangkok in the Samut Prakan province has become a symbol of the havoc caused by waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE or e-waste) from developed countries in Thailand.

Image: Royal Thai Police raid Wai Mei Dat. Gaylord boxes and Super Sacks filled with imported e-waste. Photo Copyright The Nation, Thailand Portal. May 22, 2018. (baselactionnetwork / Flickr)

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When former Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer retired in 2014, a lot of media attention was focused on his new passion as the owner of a professional basketball team, after he bought the L.A. Clippers for a reported $2 billion. Far less attention went to his creation of USAFacts, a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that strives to shine a light on the U.S. government’s financial status and report the findings to its stakeholders, the American people.


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Sylvia Zietek is blazing new work trails. Armed with a solid business and marketing plan and a whole lot of gumption, this 27-year-old is set to launch Pierogi Queen, a local food truck offering an array of Polish pierogies handmade with love.

Her innovative menu features a smorgasbord of traditional potato goodness, along with some interesting fusion flavours — everything from her grandmother’s handcrafted age-old potato and cheddar recipe to flavourful twists like jalapeno and cheddar, spinach and feta with tzatziki, breaded mac and cheese, and her own personal favourite, a taco pierogi served with lettuce, tomato and cheese.


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Eyal Ronen

I think of entrepreneurship as responsible, calculated rebellion. As a seasoned entrepreneur, I have built my career on discovering and solving problems that others don’t see or know how to solve. I have served as an officer in the military, founded four companies and exited two. I’ve been through quite a bit in business and experienced more than I can write about, but a huge lesson I learned early is to stay closely connected to the service or product that your business provides.


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An entrepreneur should be ready to take risk and should be passionate about their venture. It is quite imperative to develop and build the key skills, in order to gain momentum and to ensure the business’ success. Passion and perseverance are imperative for an entrepreneur’s success story.

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If you were inventing the farm today, why would you put it outside, on a giant plot of land?

OK, there’s the sunlight thing, but then you get droughts and frosts and plant-munching insects that have to be battled with harmful pesticides. And because outdoor farms need so much acreage, they’re usually far from most of their customers — which means that by the time a tomato gets to you in a city, it tastes like a baseball.

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Andreessen Horowitz announced on Monday, June 25, that it has launched a16z crypto, which is a new $300 million fund to invest in cryptocurrency companies and protocols. Moreover, the VC powerhouse hired Katie Haun who will be its first ever female general partner to co-lead the fund alongside Chris Dixon, the company’s veteran general partner, and crypto investor.

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