Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

innovation DAILY

Here we highlight selected innovation related articles from around the world on a daily basis.  These articles related to innovation and funding for innovative companies, and best practices for innovation based economic development.


Slow walkers may have new reason to speed up their stroll.

A study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine finds that fast walkers — and even average-speed walkers — are considerably less likely to die early than those who walk slowly. Compared to slowpokes, fast and average-speed walkers had a roughly 20% lower overall mortality risk, and a similar reduction in the risk of dying from cardiovascular disease.


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New entrepreneurs routinely jump into a startup with a full charge of passion and energy, but often find themselves drained of both after a few months by the workload and challenges. As a result, burnout and loss of passion are consistently listed among the top causes of startup failure, according to many experts. The challenge is find ways to continually recharge along the way.


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The National Institutes of Health (NIH) invests nearly $37.3 billion annually in medical research. More than 80% of the funding is awarded through nearly 50,000 competitive grants to more than 300,000 researchers at more than 2500 universities, medical schools, and other research institutions in every U.S. state and around the world.

Below is a list of 50 universities (including medical schools), research institutions, and teaching hospitals ranked by how much in NIH funding they have received during the current 2018 federal fiscal year, through May 29. FY 2018 ends on September 30. Also included for each NIH grant recipient is the number of grant awards funded in FY 2018, which was not a factor in the ranking.


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It’s that time of year again. High-school seniors across the country are finishing their final exams, cleaning out their lockers, and getting ready to walk up on stage to accept their diplomas. The students know where they’re going to college, and they’ll busy themselves over the coming months by looking into meal plans, registering for classes, and contacting their future roommates. Admissions deans are still analyzing yield targets with their staff and are already looking at what they could do differently next year. It’s a predictable cycle — except for one wrinkle.


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Open innovation processes promise to enhance creative output, yet we have heard little about successful launches of new technologies, products, or services arising from these approaches. Certainly, crowdsourcing platforms (among other open innovation methods) have yielded striking solutions to hard scientific and technological problems—prominent examples being the Netflix predictive recommendation algorithm and the approach to reducing the weight of  GE jet engine brackets.


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For innovation-hungry legacy firms, partnering with a startup can be appealing. Relatively small sums of time and money can quickly yield generous returns. With due diligence and decent design, these partnerships can go beyond good results and energize organizations that have become too comfortable or complacent with everyday routines. In return, the startups typically get valuable references or valued customers.


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MADISON, Wis.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Thirty scholarships have been awarded to Wisconsin biohealth companies to attend and exhibit at the International BIO Convention in Boston, MA, June 4-7, 2018. Recipients will receive opportunities to participate in one-on-one partnership meetings, showcase their products, network with industry leaders, and represent Wisconsin’s strength in the biohealth industry.


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Summer is around the corner, which means beach getaways and family vacations are also on the horizon. While the rest of your friends search Amazon for their summer book list, you should find great podcasts to fill your time with. 

If you are late to the podcast game, they're books for people who like to multitask. I've been working on the first season of my podcast the past couple of months and it's taught me a lot about all the brilliant podcasts out there.


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From swampy marshes to soaring canyons, from pristine glaciers to scorching deserts, America’s national parks encompass nearly every possible ecosystem and offer a world away from the everyday hustle and bustle.

The 60 official national parks form a vast system that collectively spans 84 million acres, and was visited over 331 million times last year alone. But with such a plethora of options, it can difficult to pick just one to visit for any given vacation.


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Another school year is ending, and with it comes an abundance of local news reports of students from local high schools presenting business plans to a group of judges. Students, judges, and audiences all participating in a mock version of Shark Tank, the highly popular television show. From the perspective of both educators, parents, and community businesses, this is a win-win for all concerned. Business plan competitions captures an optimism about the community thriving in a hub of local startups.


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road closed

Does it feel like your efforts in innovation lately have been…lackluster? Are you finding that your team just isn’t coming up with the great ideas you know they can produce? If your business is feeling stale and stagnant, you obviously want to know why, so you can make changes. Innovation efforts aren’t always simple and easy—and there are definitely some roadblocks that can come up along the way. Don’t get discouraged if you run into any of these common problems—you just have to be determined to prevent and work through them whenever possible!


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Banners and Alerts and Infographic Innovation in Healthcare IdeaScale

With 75% of healthcare organizations that have over 400 beds building their own innovation centers, what is the state of innovation in healthcare these days? The pace of technology is accelerating, patient expectations are shifting – it’s important for executives in the field of medicine and healthcare to have a plan for the future.


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Everyone knows that starting a new business, or even keeping an old one competitive, requires innovation. But in my role as a mentor to many aspiring entrepreneurs, I find many who never start because they assume that they don’t have what it takes to be innovative. Chances are, they have accepted one of the common myths that keep innovation outside their range of thinking.


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Rachel Thompson

You've seen the headlines. Millennials are "entitled" at work. We're the "Me Me Me Generation," and, apparently, we want "success on a plate." But, maybe it's time for employers to take a cold, hard look in the mirror and ask themselves this: Are you as receptive as you could be to the skills and ideas that millennials are bringing to the table? 


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mountain climber

Strength training is good for your body and your mind, according to a new review of more than 30 previously published studies.

The paper, published in the journal JAMA Psychiatry, found that resistance exercise training (RET), such as weightlifting and strength training, is associated with a significant reduction in depressive symptoms. It also, of course, comes with physical benefits, like making bones stronger and preventing chronic conditions.


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Nidhi Singh

When preparing to launch a startup, the first essential step entrepreneurs need to take is put a marketing strategy in place. However, for many startups marketing on a limited budget is not as easy as it sounds. The good news is that with growing impact of the internet, marketing your business doesn’t have to cost a bomb. A newsletter is a great low-cost email marketing tool for startups looking to grow their business. Not only it keeps your customers engaged but also helps in building a great relationship with the masses.


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Tesla and SpaceX founder Elon Musk is among the most (in)famous entrepreneurs of our era. His successes (and failure) have been well-documented, yet his unparalleled imagination and innovation have given him incredible resilience.

When students from Draper University asked Musk his advice for starting up, he quoted a friend, saying it's like: “like eating glass and staring into the abyss.” His followup advice for those seeking to follow this path? “DON'T DO IT!”


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Nikhil Chandwani

Entrepreneurship is 21st Century has given rise to a newly formed problem,Identity Crisis. This crisis has taken a lot of promising entrepreneurs to the same old disorder, Depression.

Many entrepreneurs invest quite a few hours a day, particularly during the night time, scrolling Instagram and Facebook feeds to see millions of colours.

This seems so knowledgeable and beautiful but there is a missing string attached to it.


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