Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

innovation DAILY

Here we highlight selected innovation related articles from around the world on a daily basis.  These articles related to innovation and funding for innovative companies, and best practices for innovation based economic development.


New programme will support and fund at least 25 startup teams per year in Aberdeen and North East Scotland in a range of industry areas.

Robert Gordon University (RGU) will launch the first funded startup accelerator programme in North East Scotland to support entrepreneurial students, staff and recent alumni in creating new businesses with up to £10,000 of funding each. 


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Ever have to psych yourself up to go to work? If that’s the case more often than not, your job might not align with your personal motives, says Carter Cast, author of The Right (and Wrong) Stuff: How Brilliant Careers are Made and Unmade.

Strengths are your natural skillsets, and motives are the place from which you draw energy, says Cast. They differ from values, which are what’s important to you. “If you ask someone what their values are, they can rattle them off quickly,” he says. “Motives are much harder to identify because we’re often not conscious of them. They’re the river that flows under us.”


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Kimanzi Constable

Despite the difficult circumstances that may happen in your life, there is always an opportunity to overcome them as you build your business. You became an entrepreneur because you’re committed to living a different kind of lifestyle. You want true freedom in every area of your life. You want to create financial security and leave a legacy for your loved ones. You have a message, product or service you’re convinced can help make other people’s lives better in some way.


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Piero Formica

Practices akin to Bible scriptures, which require an exercise in logic to understand their meaning, are the distinctive feature of management as it has evolved during successive industrial revolutions. Humanism – a way of life centered on human values and a critical spirit – is forced within a “sacred” enclosure, and the human dimension of management is shrinking even more with the growing performance of a wide range of technologies that replace human beings in the adoption and implementation of managerial practices.


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The head of an award-winning innovation consultancy has spoken out about the perils of pushing for progress, saying it can actually cause serious problems in the workplace if it’s not done properly.

Amantha Imber, CEO of Inventium, recognises that there is a raft of potential benefits associated with innovation – from improved fiscal outcomes to higher employee engagement.


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On Friday, May 11, the winners of 30 regional competitions from around the world will compete in the Startup World Cup Grand Finale at the Marriott Marquis in San Francisco. The winner will receive a $1 million prize in the form of an investment from Fenox Venture Capital, the sponsor of the Startup World Cup.

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For many people, the mark of a good workout is waking up with sore muscles. Common as it is, though, there’s still a lot of uncertainty about soreness. Can you work out when you’re sore? Do you need to treat sore muscles? Is soreness a cause for concern?

Dr. Ryan Lingor, a primary care sports physician at the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York City, answers all of your questions about muscle soreness.


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Intuitively, many entrepreneurs and businesses believe that the key to faster growth and success is more products, features, and markets. Since we all have limited resources, and can’t add more hours to the day, the result is usually more things done poorly, rather than a few key things done better than anyone else. The message here is focus, reiterated by every advisor and investor.


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2018 goals

Since joining Kleiner Perkins in 1980, venture capitalist John Doerr has helped fund Intuit, Amazon, Google, Twitter, and a host of other well-known tech companies. Many of them utilize a goal-setting system Doerr calls “OKR,” for “objectives” and “key results.” His new book, Measure What Matters, contains his explanation for how and why the system works, as well as case studies by leaders who’ve adopted it — including Bill Gates, Larry Page, and Bono. Doerr stopped by HBR to talk about his passion for setting and reaching goals. Edited excerpts of that conversation follow:


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Provider venture funds are more active than ever before and their perspectives were a topic of discussion at the newest megaconference on the healthcare block — HLTH — which kicked off Sunday at the Aria hotel in Las Vegas.

In the session entitled “Role of Strategic Investment Groups Within Payers and Providers,” an important question arose: what percentage of their total investments are eventually adopted in the health system? This is, of course, relevant in the context of health tech startups that go from pilot-to-pilot-to-pilot never experiencing the warm embrace of a full adoption.


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The romanticized image of entrepreneurs is a picture of youth: a 20-something individual with disruptive ideas, boundless energy and a still-sharp mind. Silicon Valley has bet on this image for years.

But is this right?

Far from it, according to our recent research with Javier Miranda of the U.S. Census Bureau and Pierre Azoulay of MIT.


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Considering a career move and worrying about your wallet? Fret no more. Thanks to a new federal rule, you can now know for sure how much money the median worker makes at a certain company.

As part of the recession-inspired Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, public companies now have to tell the Securities and Exchange Commission about the pay ratio between their median employee and chief executive officer.


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The Midwest is booming, but not where you might think. Kansas City, Minneapolis, Indianapolis, Columbus, Grand Rapids, and Des Moines are the fastest-growing cities in the Midwest—lapping bigger hubs like Detroit, Cleveland, Buffalo, Pittsburgh, St. Louis, and even Chicago that are still suffering from stagnant economies and slow or even negative population growth.


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small town

National Geographic has released its list of the 29 best small cities in the US— and it's giving us some serious travel inspiration.

The travel magazine worked with branding advisers at Resonance Consultancy to produce a "small-cities index" that drew from statistics and mentions on Instagram and Yelp to determine which cities rank highest across 10 categories:


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thumbs up

You don't need a tech background to land good gig in Silicon Valley. In fact, tech giants like Amazon, Google, and Microsoft wouldn't run without the help of customer service representatives, accountants, and human resources managers.

Compensation monitoring site Comparably recently compiled results from more than 14,500 users to determine the most popular jobs for people without a technical background, along with how much those positions pay.


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No longer is Rochester a company town — it’s a town of companies. Nothing proves this point more than the multitude of investments Greater Rochester has received from fast-growing high-tech businesses, innovative food manufacturers and more.

In fact, talent, innovation and the region’s entrepreneurial spirit are just a few of the reasons companies invest and create jobs in the region. To continue to cultivate and grow these types of companies, Greater Rochester’s economic development efforts are taking a page from its whip-smart workforce’s entrepreneurial, can-do spirit.


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