Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

innovation DAILY

Here we highlight selected innovation related articles from around the world on a daily basis.  These articles related to innovation and funding for innovative companies, and best practices for innovation based economic development.


The way we move through the world is undergoing a deep tectonic shift. Ride-sharing services like Uber and Lyft have come to dominate a new market, where people pay for miles instead of buying vehicles, and the same model is now, controversially, being applied to scooters.  Cars can actually drive themselves, under certain conditions. But what will this mean for the future of how we commute?


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Istrawberriesn the latest report about pesticide residues, the Environmental Working Group says that 70% of conventionally grown fruits and vegetables contain up to 230 different pesticides or their breakdown products.

The analysis, based on produce samples tested by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, found that strawberries and spinach contained the highest amounts of pesticide residues. One sample of strawberries, for example, tested positive for 20 different pesticides, and spinach contained nearly twice the pesticide residue by weight than any other fruit or vegetable.


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Almost every entrepreneur starts their journey by developing a solution, based on their idea of a new technology or required service. These idea and developer skills are necessary, but not sufficient, to build a business. A real business requires leadership – thought leadership to attract customers and mind share, as well as people leadership around a team, partners, and investors.


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Three Ways to Make Your Organisation Agile INSEAD Knowledge

Agile, the flexible way of working, has spread from software development to organisational change – for small start-ups and even large, traditional organisations. The Agile software methodology is iterative and collaborative; it ensures that small, autonomous groups work together to align with customer needs. In this age of information at our fingertips, same-day delivery and seamless payment options, customers now expect more from business than ever before and companies must adapt to thrive.


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Johnny Lieu

Making your way to Australia's Christmas Island to witness its annual red crab migration isn't the easiest of trips, but now there's an easier way to see it happen: Just catch a glimpse on Google's Street View.

The pictures were collected by Alasdair Grigg from Parks, Australia, using Google's Street View Trekker 360 late last year. (Red crab migration generally starts at the beginning of October or November.) The images reveal some of the approximately 40 to 50 million crabs that make their way from the forest to the coast.


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office buildings

Do you have an idea?

Do you wish you knew what to do with it to develop it into something people want?

Maybe it's time you became a builder.

A builder is any self-motivated person or entrepreneur who wants to build something new to meet a customer demand or something unique that creates a customer demand.



As a former IBM executive, I used to think that big-company executives would be ideally skilled and experienced in business to run a small company or a startup. Yet that rarely happens, and when it does, like John Sculley moving from Pepsi to Apple, the results don’t turn out so positive. I see this as a variation on the “Peter Principle,” as well as considerably different skills required.


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canadian flag

There has been increasing interest in developing a strategy that takes advantage of Canada’s research expertise to turn it into economic advantage for our country.

A great deal of research is undertaken at Canadian universities and colleges — more than $6 billion in total research expenditures were reported by the Association of University Technology Managers’ Canadian Licensing Activity Survey in 2015.

We’ve had big success stories. Canola is a great example of how research at universities became an economic boon for the entire country; there is now about $26 billion annually in economic activity generated by canola.


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augmented reality

When you think of augmented reality, Pokémon Go might be the first thing to come to mind. But AR isn’t just for games. This innovative tech is making an impact on a number of industries.

According to recent research by Lumus Vision, while AR video games are expected to reach potential revenues of $11.6 billion by 2025, other industries are not far behind. By 2025, the AR and virtual reality space in the healthcare industry is predicted to reach $5.1 billion, engineering $4.7 billion, real estate $2.6 billion and retail $1.6 billion.


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Google s new accelerator focusses on AI health startups

During one of the most closely followed congressional hearings of all time, Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) looked Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg square in the eye and asked him a very simple question: “Do you think the Europeans have it right?”     

Graham wasn’t the only legislator to make reference to Europe during their questioning. Sen. Maria Cantwell (D-Wash.) also queried Zuckerberg, “Do you believe the European regulations should be applied here in the U.S.?”


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You’ve probably heard about “tech neck”—the head-drooped, shoulders-forward pose many of us strike while crouched at a computer or peering into our phones. The more time a person spends in this position, the more the body’s muscles and ligaments embrace it as normal. The result is poor posture, which may have repercussions far beyond appearances.


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Almost every entrepreneur starts their journey by developing a solution, based on their idea of a new technology or required service. These idea and developer skills are necessary, but not sufficient, to build a business. A real business requires leadership – thought leadership to attract customers and mind share, as well as people leadership around a team, partners, and investors.


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The cloud is a means, not an end. Success in modernizing IT through the cloud is driven by a complete standardization and automation strategy.

Cloud-computing adoption has been increasing rapidly, with cloud-specific spending expected to grow at more than six times the rate of general IT spending through 2020.1 While large organizations have successfully implemented specific software-as-a-service (SaaS) solutions or adopted a cloud-first strategy for new systems, many are struggling to get the full value of moving the bulk of their enterprise systems to the cloud.


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To say initial coin offerings have “exploded” is, for once, to use the word justifiably. Buyers put $256 million into them in 2016, $5.5 billion in 2017, and more than $3 billion in the first two months of 2018 alone, according to CoinDesk.

Image: Robleh Ali, former crypto specialist for the Bank of England, on why initial coin offerings are dangerous and how to make them more useful. -

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We are all born to build. People like Elon Musk have figured out how to do it.

He discovered the best path to creating his biggest idea. He knows what he's good at and how to apply it. He is a builder.

So -- wait, what is a builder? And what does it mean to build?

Builders are like entrepreneurs, but they are more than that.

A builder is any ambitious, self-motivated person who wants to change the world, even if just a small part of it.


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AS PART of its efforts to help build a vibrant and innovative ecosystem for the maritime sector, the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) has an MOU with NUS Enterprise for the Maritime Technology Acceleration Programme (MTAP). The MOU aims to encourage Singapore's maritime industry to accelerate the adoption of innovation and venture into new growth areas through working with tech startups.

Image: "With emerging technologies beginning to disrupt Singapore's oldest flagship industry, the corporates and startup community need to seize these opportunities to create innovation-driven growth," says Prof Wong.

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Silicon Valley still clings to a particular gospel of hard work, where a start-up's success depends on how hard employees "hustle," lunch breaks get replaced with fasting rituals or chugged Soylents and engineers wear their consecutive sleepless nights like a badge of honor.

But there are signs that the culture is changing. A new early-stage venture firm called Alpha Bridge Ventures wants to help speed up that narrative shift.


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Earth Day 2018 is calling for everyone to help accelerate actions that can bring an end to plastic pollution.

There are great examples of companies, individuals, governments and organisations committing to meaningful actions, and those stories feature regularly on these pages. But today is about all of us, so we recommend listening to a message from Dr Jane Goodall, legendary conservationist and activist – who also helped create Google’s Earth Day Doodle – on what we can do to ‘have a positive impact on our planet’.


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CLEVELAND -- The pace at Cleveland's Global Center for Health Innovation is quickening.

The recent announcement that BioEnterprise and Accenture have formed a Cleveland-based working group, at the Global Center, to fight opioid addiction represents a noteworthy collaborative effort to address a national scourge. The working group was created after the second of the Global Center's Executive Briefing Series, which is attracting thought leaders from across the country eager to take on some of society's greatest health care challenges.

Image: Aram Nerpouni is CEO of BioEnterprise.

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